
Salvestro Orsini

Salvestro Orsini is a well known figure around Ansbridge, although few can say that they know him well. He started off as a cabin boy on a whaling ship when he was fifteen and spent many years out at sea. While he gained a reputation for being good at his job, many people made note of the fact that he seemed to get passed over for promotions. Not long after the marriage to his third wife, Dorthy fell apart Salvestro went to sea and was not heard from for years, abandoning his daughter Audrey. People assumed that he has been lost at sea, but he returned as a druid missing one of his legs. He continues to return to Ansbridge for a handful of days every few months to discuss fishing with the sailors who will listen. He tends to stay in The Ocean Tide, handing out advice on where to fish and how much to fish. Recently though, he has announced that he is there to stay. He says that there is something strange in the waters, but he has not been able to give any information beyond that.


Family Ties

1st wife:   2nd wife:   3rd wife: Dorthy (Remarried to Robert Worsley in 2058, died in 2059)   Daughter: Audrey Roran   Son in Law: Pharom Roran   Granddaughter: Innalyn Roran

Hobbies & Pets

  • Sicilia: Pet sand crab that lives on Sal's left shoulder and eats crumbs out of his beard.
  • Greggory: former wharf rat that now lives on Sal's right shoulder
Also has connections to Oswin, a large/fat wharf rat that is supposed to act as an informant in exchange for animal crackers
Year of Birth
2011 64 Years old