Temple of Ihein

The Temple of Ihein is different than many of the other temples located within the Temple District. This temple reflects the view of Ihein who values action and service above acts of worship. Every room in the temple is designed to put the care of others first. Even the main worship room can be converted into an emergency hospital in the event where the regular rooms are not sufficient. Design takes a backseat to functionality in most of the temple, even the garden area is filled with different medicinal herbs. In addition to whatever typical job a person at the temple performs, they are all required to have at least a basic knowledge of first aid and be available to assist those with more training and experience.    Some people say that this focus on the practical leads to a very uncomfortable feeling within the building, that the large open hallways, designed for triage, leads to an empty feeling. There are few soft furnishings, everything is made to be easily cleaned or replaced, but this can also lead to the room feeling less comfortable than many of the other temples.