Temple District

The Temple District is one of the smallest districts by size, but it has more influence than some of the larger districts, such as the Shipping District. Several different religions are worshiped within Ansbridge, and as such there are temples to many different gods in the Temple District. While there are some religious disagreement among the different religions, they will band together when handling district business. They play a very active role in the politics of the region, which has led to some complaining that the Temple District attempts to overstep their bounds. They have been accused of attempting to influence other districts behavior and have had many heated debates with the Entertainment District over this. The Temple District will rebuttal that the morality of all of the citizens is indeed their duty regardless of where they happen to be standing.

Industry & Trade

The main items that are available within the Temple District are religious in nature. Religious texts, relics, and worship items are available as well as religious services for sale. Many people will come to the Temple District to seek healing from a cleric.

Articles under Temple District