Three Finger's Alchemist Shop

Three Finger's Alchemist Shop has a sign above the door with a picture of a glass vial with a sprig of rosemary sticking out of it, which is generally accepted as a symbol for alchemy and the sign for herbalist. There is no actual name to the store, but everyone knows it as Three Finger's Alchemist Shop. Three Fingers has been told by some people that he should give it a name, but he just looks at them and asks them why he should have to name it. No one has yet given him a satisfactory answer, so the shop remains unnamed.   Check out the Additional Potions for some interesting potions that are available.

Purpose / Function

Most potions can either be bought there or special ordered. He also sells alchemical agents, potion bottles, alchemist tools, and options for better storing potions. He also has some books about alchemy that are available for sale.
Shop, Generic