Three Fingers

There is a free alchemist/herbalist dwarf who resides in the Tradesmen District. He moved her long ago and no one really noticed. He didn't give out his name, leading people to refer to him off of his most unique feature. He is missing his pinkie and ring fingers off of his left hand. When someone asks him how that happened he instead asks them what they have heard. He bases how "true" the story is off of how well it was told. The current best story is that they were bitten off by a dragon.   It should be noted that free alchemists are not common. Most all alchemist, wizards, etc learned their magic at one of the magic academies and pay back their debt by creating magic items, potions, or scrolls. Even once their debt is repaid, they must obtain approval from their school before setting up any magic item shop. Typically if they want to make money selling magic goods they must do so through the school.