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Constructs are made, not born.

An inanimate object brought to "life" by another creature. The most obvious commonality between all constructs is they are commonly made from inorganic, non-living matter.

They may be made of wood, metal, glass or stone. They can be as small as a housecat, or as large as a 40 foot statue. They may serve their creator as an extra set of hands to help around a lair, or as a guardian dedicated to fighting off intruders. Some are programmed by their creators to follow a simple set of instructions, while others are imbued with sentience and capable of independent thought.

Golems are the most iconic constructs. Many creatures native to Machanus: Plane of The Great Wheel are constructs shaped from the raw material of the plane, by the will of more powerful creatures.

Constructs are usually programmed opponents designed to follow a preset routine for their entire existence, with little to no variation. While the majority of functioning constructs will follow their original programmer’s orders to the letter, sometimes their orders can be rather open-ended or undefined.

If a creator programs their golem to “guard this passage and let none pass” - it can be dangerous to assume that there are no base-level instructions at work to cover situations other than the strictest commands. People might assume that the magic needed to create the construct includes things like walking, jumping, and punching. However, it might be an idea to list the limitations of each construct explicitly to more correctly judge the attempts by the people they serve to deal with the challenge.

Encounters with programmed constructs may need some interesting combinations of tactics. Provide instructions for multiple constructs to fight in unison or to combine powers in unique ways which multiply the threat to the party. Special rules do exist for death by massive damage.

Breath weapons can be used in unison against particularly strong individuals. Imagine multiple iron golems belching forth clouds of flammable gas and following up with a finger snap of their flint-infused gauntlets! This tactic allows them to heal while their enemies are barbequed.

Basic constructs are almost always stronger and larger than their opponents, and this alone gives them a tremendous advantage. Consider if they also have a grappling ability - usually found on constructs that rely on melee attacks. This can be particularly troublesome when facing multiple constructs.

Constructs with weaknesses are normally programmed to avoid things that expose them to greater harm. They will immediately remove themselves from such situations, preferring easier targets.

The poison damage type deliberately harms living things. So, it has no effect on constructs since they do not suffer the same negative drawbacks of consuming or becoming exposed to poison.

Also, constructs also often have an immunity to the Poisoned condition.

Many constructs also have an immunity to psychic damage. Like poison, psychic damage really only affects thinking creatures.

Nor do many constructs fall victim to charming spells and abilities. They often have no free will or sentience, so the abilities that impose the Charmed or Frightened condition do not affect constructs.

In fact, many of the conditions do not affect constructs; including Exhaustion, Paralyzed, and Petrified. Yet some do, like the Homunculus.

Most healing spells have no effect on constructs. Although, some spells that restore hit points do affect constructs by virtue that they do not explicitly stating they will not work. These spells include:
* Aid
* Regenerate

Aid is more of a roundabout way of healing a construct - by increasing their current and maximum hit points by five. If a construct is down some hit points, then techincally they are being healed.

Regenerate does two things. First, healing 4d8+15 hit points. Second, any severed limbs grow back. Interestingly, this spell does not specify that it does not work on constructs - 4d8+15 healing works on them.

A standard Potion of Healing works.

A Healer’s Kit paired with the Healer feat.

Healing a construct can be considered a tool Ability Check. A person can make a Smith’s, Tinker’s, or Woodcarver’s Tools, depending on the materials making up the construct, to repair any damage done.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Known Constructs

Animated Bearskin Rug
Animated Book
Animated Bronze Statue “Mephit”
Animated Chains
Animated Darkwood Desk
Animated Doomgate
Animated Feast
Animated Floating Disk
Animated Giant Broom
Animated Giant Cauldron
Animated Instrument
Animated Longbow
Animated Object, Animated Armour
Animated Object, Cart
Animated Object, Chains
Animated Object, Dagger
Animated Object, Demon-Possessed Doll
Animated Object, Door
Animated Object, Dummy
Animated Object, Flying Sword
Animated Object, Footstool
Animated Object, Giant Dog Statue
Animated Object, Huge
Animated Object, Jar
Animated Object, Large
Animated Object, Medium
Animated Object, Miniature Red Dragon
Animated Object, Mossy Couch
Animated Object, Phonograph
Animated Object, Rug of Smothering
Animated Object, Sign
Animated Object, Small
Animated Object, Tiny
Animated Puzzle Door
Animated Quartet
Animated Spiked Armour
Animated Statues
Animated Terra Cotta Statue
Arcane Leviathan
Arcane Scavenger
Assassin Snake
Auto Butler
Automatic Acolyte
Automaton, Sawhorse
Baba Yaga’s Hut
Barnyard Golem
Beastmaster Statue
Bespoke Bodyguard
Biting Book
Bloodstone Sentinel
Bone Reaper Reflection
Brass Man
Brass Man, Berserk
Brazen Dragon Statue
Bread Automaton
Bronze Minotaur
Bronzeback Armadillo
Chain Golem
Chesspiece, Glass Knight
Chronomatic Enhancer
Clockwork Archon
Clockwork Armadillo
Clockwork Assassin
Clockwork Assassin Drone
Clockwork Beetle
Clockwork Companion, Assassin Snake
Clockwork Companion, Clockwork Gardener
Clockwork Companion, Clockwork Guardian
Clockwork Companion, Clockwork Lantern
Clockwork Companion, Clockwork Owl
Clockwork Companion, Clockwork Tutor
Clockwork Conductor
Clockwork Dragon, One-Headed
Clockwork Dragon, Three-Headed
Clockwork Hound
Clockwork Huntsman
Clockwork Kestrel
Clockwork Lantern
Clockwork Leech
Clockwork Leviathan
Clockwork Mantis
Clockwork Myrmidon
Clockwork Pugilist
Clockwork Scorpion
Clockwork Servant
Clockwork Soldier
Clockwork Spider
Clockwork Sprite
Clockwork Spy
Clockwork Tactician
Clockwork Tiger
Clockwork Tutor
Clockwork Warhorse
Clockwork Watchman
Copper Skeleton
Corpsesewn Colossus
Cranial Dissectibot
Cyberphrenic Tadpole
Demon Gate
Divine Tomb Guardian
Dread Walker, Excavator
Dream Warrior
Empty Cloak
Faceted Scorpion
Flying Dagger
Flying Halberd
Gargoyle, Scrimshaw
Ghost Machine
Ghost Ship
Ghostly Stagecoach
Giant Animated Armour
Glass Automaton
Glass Bear
Glass Colossus
Glass Fox
Goblin Siege Engine
Golem, Alchemical
Golem, Altar Flame
Golem, Armoury
Golem, Bearing
Golem, Blasphemous
Golem, Bone
Golem, Book
Golem, Brass
Golem, Bronze
Golem, Butler
Golem, Cannon
Golem, Cast-Iron
Golem, Chain
Golem, Clay
Golem, Conveyance
Golem, Copper
Golem, Coral
Golem, Crystal
Golem, Death Shroud
Golem, Doll Citizen
Golem, Doll Queen
Golem, Doom
Golem, Dragonflesh
Golem, Eye
Golem, Flagstone
Golem, Flesh
Golem, Fractal
Golem, Gallows
Golem, Gingerbread
Golem, Glass Cat
Golem, Glass Dog
Golem, Gold
Golem, Hair
Golem, High Horse
Golem, Hive
Golem, Hoard
Golem, Ice
Golem, Infestation
Golem, Iron
Golem, Junk
Golem, Keg
Golem, Lead
Golem, Lotus
Golem, Magnesium
Golem, Manastorm
Golem, Mithral
Golem, Mithril
Golem, Mud
Golem, Mushroom
Golem, Necromantic
Golem, Ooze
Golem, Orcus
Golem, Paper
Golem, Petrifying
Golem, Rope
Golem, Salt
Golem, Serpent
Golem, Silhouette
Golem, Steam
Golem, Steamwerks
Golem, Stone
Golem, Sugar
Golem, Tallow
Golem, Talos
Golem, Vine
Golem, War Machine
Golem, Windvane
Golem, Witch-Doll
Grave Protector
Graven Guardian, Greater
Graven Guardian, Moon
Gravity Golem
Guardian Statue (Stone Dwarf)
Haunted Armour
Haunted Doll
Haunted Rocking Horse
Haunted Ventriloquist Dummy
Hieroglyph Scorpion
Hitched Scarecrow
Hollow Knight
Ice Golem
Ice Spider
Idolic Deity Inkling
Iron Cobra
Iron Mummy
Iron Scourge
Iron Sphere
Jack o' Lantern
Kobold War Machine
Library Automaton
Living Blade
Living Divination Deck
Living Doll
Living Library
Living Prismatic Sphere
Living Proof
Living Wick
Mad Piper
Masterwork Animated Armour
Mechanical Artillerist
Mechanical Maître D'
Mechanical Octopus
Miniature Chariot
Miniature Soldier
Minotaur, Obsidian
Mirror Fiend
Monolith Champion
Monolith Footman
Multicrank Busterbot
Necrorune Bulette
Onyx Magistrate
Orb of Insanity
Origami Golem
Painted Phantasm
Patchwork Inevitable
Pewter Knight
Pillar Guardian
Porcelainfolk Commoner
Porcelainfolk Princess
Possessed Armour
Possessed Pillar
Quicksilver Fox
Racked Seraph
Re-Animated Guard
Re-Animated Labourer
Re-Animated Raider
Reliquary Guardian
Righteous Sentinel
Ring Servant
Robot, Arachnid
Robot, Hand
Robot, Surgeon
Robot, Walking Eye
Rose Golem
Ruin Bruiser
Runestone Golem
Scalder Crab
Scarecrow Colossus
Scarecrow Minion
Sentient Sword
Sentinel Sphere
Sentry Drone
Sepulchral Guardian
Shadow Homunculus
Shield Guardian
Siege Dragon Engine
Siegemetal Ram
Snake, Thread-Bound Constrictor
Snow Construct
Spider Thief
Springjaw Doll
Sprite, Sugar
Stained Glass Dragonfly
Stained Glass Knight
Stained-glass Moth
Stained Glass Peacock
Statue of Wishes
Steel Beetle
Steelwing Moth
Stone Bat
Stone Guard
Tar Golem
Terra-Cotta Rider
Terra-Cotta Soldier
Terracotta Automaton
Thornheart Guardian
Thunder Orb
Titan Cyclops
Tombstone Golem
Topsy-Turvy Doll
Toy Spy
Void Constructor
Void Knight
Watch Owl
Waxwork Wyvern
Weaving Spider
Weirding Scroll
Witch Totem
Witch’s Broom
Wizard's Poppet
Wood Ward
Wood Golem
Xolo Guardian
Zoetic Wall

+ Azorius Homunculus
+ Steel Predator

Geographic Distribution


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