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Dull is a small village on the Western edge of Oshad region, Malnax - near the entrance to Serenity Pass.
The village was so named as it seems so interesting and plain dull.
Yet hidden in the consently flooded basement of the local school house, and home to a Water Genasi named Pool is a vortex to The Plane of Water.

The village is surrounded by palisades. 5 trained warriors serve in the village's defense, and the Oshad Armed Forces can be mustered in case of attack.
The sheriff is Enisles Mohite, Male Half-Elf.

Tavern: Shapley's Owner = Shapley Gappick, Male Gnome - Flaws: Addict; Bonds: Rich, Attractive, Has a crush on a Half-Elf daughter of Sheriff; 
Location = In a well-lit avenue to westside of the village, near guard tower. The street outside is covered in fallen leaves.
Description = The tavern is a plaster single storey building, with a red tile roof and vines covering the walls and roof. It contains a small wood oven and a fire pit cooking food in the middle of the tavern.
Goose Burger with Potatoes and a Tankard of Beer (5 sp)
Fish Cake with Goose Egg and a Mug of Perry (5 sp)
Goose Eggs and Ham Ramen with Garden Greens and a Glass of Vodka (5 sp)

General Goods Store: West Side Store
Owner: Sybil Oakes, Female Human - loves to dance and drink when not working. 
Location: In the middle of the village. The street outside is covered in fallen leaves.
Description: The general store is a brick rowhouse, with an orange shingled roof and a large cellar. It contains an empty cage and several lanterns hanging from the roof beams.
Ink (1 ounce bottle) (phb 150) (10 gp)
Cook's Utensils (phb 154) (48 gp)
Mirror, Steel (phb 150) (5 gp)


: Human (27%), Half-Elf (25%), Gnome (20%), Halfling (10%), Dwarf (8%), Elf (9%)
Location under


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