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The Plane of Water

Deity/God = Persana,
+ with son Eadro

Language: Aquan
Associated Gems: Chrysoprase; Opal; Emerald; Pearl; Pink Tourmaline; and Aquamarine;
Ancient = a cresent wave with two full moons above.
Triangle = a triangle with the apex facing downwards.

WATER is the liquid parts of the world - whether flowing, tides, and movement all the time in rivers, lakes, and seas, or the still waterways. Many others also associate it with the changing emotions and feelings of people on Esau.

The Plane of Water is an infinite expanse of liquid, without surface or bottom - a forever sea mixing fresh water, salt water, light areas, dark areas, and all other aquatic environments into one vast ocean, without beginning or end.

The Plane of Water is fairly temperate, sweet, and sunny on the whole. Certain regions are cold or warm, salty or fresh, dark or light, "surface" or "deep" - by and large the plane is very hospitable to any entity that can swim. Breathing is something more of a problem, - even once a traveler can take a breath, the plane itself presents very few difficulties, especially if you find a swimming mount such as a hippocampus or a sea horse.

Currents can sweep travelers to and from - especially strong or persistent currents might disrupt the plans of anyone who is not a powerful swimmer.
* Whirlpools formed of swirling currents can trap a traveler - whirl them around, and bash them with debris, for hours, days, or even years.
* "Burn Water" is acidic water = It is transparent, and otherwise difficult to distinguish from the background water, until one blunders into it and it burns their face off (along with a big chunk of their equipment).
* "Red Tides" are tainted currents that carry microbial disease = Those that breathe water are more harshly affected, frequently dying from the cocktail of infections and illnesses that can result from it. However, even touching this crimson seawater can be damaging, and becoming infected carries a long, painful convalescence.


There was no deep or shallow, no dark depths nor wavy surface, just an endless ocean that felt as if you were submerged several feet (say a couple meters) in any body of water on the Material Plane.
There was no sun, yet the water itself seemed to glow dimly with a bluish-green luminescence. Volumes of water at any temperature and salinity could be found if you knew where to look or had a guide.
Supporting the teeming life of this plane were the corals and plants that made their way here and found purchase. Huge drifting three-dimensional reefs and loose spheres of freshwater grasses, kelp, and seaweed were home to myriad species and were fertile fishing spots.


The Icey Belt is a frozen stretch of water where Coldlight Walkers, Frost Giants, Frost Salamanders, and Ice Trolls reside. The Ice Current is an extremely cold part of the Plane of Water. These are part of Eadro's regions.


* In Dull, Oshad region, Malnax - hidden in the consently flooded basement of the local school house, and home to a Water Genasi named Pool is a vortex to the Plane of Water.
* In Wether on Northern Isle, there is a damp bog directly South-East of the village gate. It holds a rift to the Plane of Water.
* Elemental vortices resembled shimmering pools, or a pool of water rippling with deep cerulean colours. Those to the Elemental Plane of Water could be flattened disks of moving water, resembling a whirlpool. And much like an actual whirlpool, they often carried the danger of pulling nearby creatures into them.
* Vortices to the Plane of Water could often be found in the deepest parts of the seas and oceans, in clear underground lakes, or as surface whirlpools in any large body of water.
* Temporary gates could be created by the plane shift spell or the abilities of high level druids.
* The spell astral projection could be used to reach the Plane of Water via a dark blue color pool.
* The gate and plane shift spells could be used to open a temporary portal to this plane, provided a lead fork tuned to the note of A was used as a spell focus.

Bog Hags (Fey) = A variety of Hags that dwell in swamps, and are connected to The Plane of Water. Bog Hags are predators that hid behind a familiar face. After lying in wait below the water and killing their victims, the sinister body snatchers steal their skin, and sometimes their identities.

Sea Hag (Fey) = The indisputably ugliest of the Hags, are also connected to The Plane of Water. Sea Hags are decrepit piscine women of such hideousness that one can die from looking at them. The aquatic Hags sought to defile and invert all that is beautiful - against all Sune stands for.


Father and son rule the Water Plane.


Persana is the God of the Water Plane. Persana's name was mainly unknown to many outside of the Triton race, until travel to the Elemental Planes became more magically accessible - those that did know of him believed that he was nothing more than a god of construction and guardianship. This was due to the silence and mystery with which Persana, like his Triton followers, surrounded himself.
Persana became better known slowly, and took on the titles of Guardian of the Deep and also Justice of the Depths.

Persana appears as a tall, muscular, green-skinned Triton, often carrying a large pink and green conch shell.
Titles = Lord of the Waters - Guardian of the Deep - Justice of the Depths - The Great Triton Lord
Alignment = Neutral Good
Symbol = Silver trident against a silhouetted conch
Portfolio = Water, Healing, Tritons, architecture
Domains = Oceans, Animal, Charm, Combat, Creation, Divination, Elementals


Eadro is the creator of the locathah (a fish-like humanoid) and merfolk - worshiped exclusively by those two races, though each worshiped him differently. He was part of an alliance of good-aligned gods of aquatic races.

The merfolk worshiped Eadro with passion, making their supplications open to non-merfolk so that they might hear songs devoted to him. The songs and swimming dances they used in prayer changed with every season as well as during their numerous holidays.

The locathah worshiped him as the Deliverer. Only males were allowed in the clergy and their religious practices were kept secret from all others. They used prayer as a form of redemption from the punishment they believed was bestowed upon their race for improper worship, pointing to the frequent enslavement of the locathah by others and their scaly bodies as opposed to the merfolk's smoother ones. They aimed to use their prayer to be redeemed and transformed into merfolk.

TITLES = The Deliverer - Lord of the Sunlit Shallows - The Water of Life - The Bather of Gills
Alignment = Neutral
Symbol = Spiral Water design
Portfolio = Merfolk, Locathah, sea
Domains = Nature, Tempest

Show spoiler
* Eadro is the father of Eldath - with Melora The Wild Mother.

Localized Phenomena

Languages = Aquan
Colour pools = Dark blue
Shape and size = Infinite
Gravity = Subjective directional
Time = Normal ... Formerly: Flowing (1 real day = 2 subjective days)
Morphic trait = alterable
Elemental/energy traits = Water-dominant
Magic trait = Enhanced: water-related; Impeded: fire-related ... Formerly: Normal with special cases

Fauna & Flora


* Most normal aquatic creatures can be found in various regions of the Plane of Water.
* However, air-breathing aquatic creatures like whales, dolphins, seals, and the like, are rarer, given the general lack of air on the plane. Still, enough open regions exist that these creatures are not entirely absent.
* Water Genasi
* water trolls
* Giants;
* sahagin
* Triton
* merfolk
* mephits
* water Elementals
* Marids = a kind of genie, they are arrogant and proud; ... folk keep largely to themselves, only interacting with others to trade or to war.
* sea monsters
* denizens of the depths
* wicked, immense entities of the abyssal plains - can be found in various corners of the realm as well.
* water weird = who dwell in the thickest concentration near the border

Natural Resources

* swimming creatures
* no sky
* no ground or shore
* wet
* no natural air
* drowning
* Triton
* Water Genasi
* Water Elementals
* sea and ocean
* bubbles
* massive marine creatures
* mix of fresh water areas and salt water areas (without boundaries)
* soggy
* blocked ears and nose

+ The Plane of Water

Dimensional plane
Location under
Inhabiting Species

* Shape Water
* Ice Knife
* Control Water
* Wall of Water
* Wall of Ice
* Investitute of Ice
* Create or Destroy Water
* Ice Storm
* Tidal Wave
* Watery Sphere


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