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Ibis Bay

Ibis Bay is part of Munlef region - between Sharktail Cape and The Black Moor     So named after the bird - The ibises are a group of long-legged wading birds that inhabit wetlands, forests and plains. Giant Black Ibis are seen on The Black Beach that is surrounds by low water and reeds. Scarlet Ibis are seen on Cape Varn   The waves onto The Black Beach are huge tumbling surf - huge rocks not far out cause the sea to crash into massive rolling waves. Sea Trolls; snapping turtles; bugs under log; small fish in cave; large eel in deep pool at end of cave. Cave hides a pathway to a dragon (Kilberth; black male) trapped. Huge grate (removed by SEEKERS) - down to cave (water up to Preet's chest leads through to passageways - about 200ft splits in 3 Caverns BLACK MOORE ABOVE caused sleep 1. COIN (left) = platinum, gold and silver sorted into era and regions - huge giant coins, different races, etc 2. GEMS (centre) = sorted into colours. Largest is jade/greenstone with green, white stripe, hint of blue - given for helping Sea Giant with a massive Krakken. (Zek mended cord and dragon put around his neck). 3. TRINKETS (right) = further back, larger, goes behind other 2 caverns; all sorts of things that don't go in Coins or Gems caverns - in unsorted far area (Preet moved) - whip, gold sheep statue, crescent moon, 2 overlapping crescent moons, heavy bag, giant key, large cogs, clogs, silver tree with colourful gems.   The waves of to Tross Beach are large but not as dangerous.   The waves onto Asper Beach are playful and more colourful.     SEA TROLLS (Scrags) names = Ulzal (male Keja (female Zea (female Chief)   Scrags (also known as marine trolls, aquatic trolls, sea scrags, and sea trolls) were an aquatic version of troll. There were two varieties: freshwater trolls and saltwater trolls. Loathsome Limbs variant - person can lop off the troll’s arms, legs and head—and they keep fighting independently! Not only that, the troll can grab them and reattach them! limbs move 5ft per turn. Claws and mouth can still attack. regains 10HP at start of its turn swimming speed of 30 feet, and can hold its breath for up to 10 minutes. Harpoon. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check notices that the troll’s limbs are covered with a dozen fat leeches. These leeches are dormant, but awaken and detach as soon as the limb they are attached to is severed.Detached leeches crawl hungrily towards the characters. Each of the troll’s arms and legs have three leeches attached to it. These leeches (use stirge statistics), with a swimming speed of 40 feet - no flight. Can Jump!
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