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Amber Turret

The Amber Turret stood in the Black Moor, within in the Munlef region, of Malnax

The Turret stood for a few centuries above the ground - the home of a Necromancer. The land known as the Black Moor was in the shadow of the Floating Island, and a little Necromancy magic effected it around the turret.

(The Harpies already lived on the Moor).

When the Amber Mage arrived, the Turret sank lowly and the Black Moor became more dangerous.

Werri = the renowned necromancer, disappeared on the Black Moor

Language = version of Primodel

An Amber Golem paced on guard, outside the Turret.

2 Levels Above Ground

Ground Floor

A set of huge double black wood doors open inwards into a dark stone foyer that flows around the whole circular building, arrowslit windows letting in pale light from outside - single locked, trapped (turns people in 5ft radius into ducks), door leads to a central dark stone corridor with unlit candles
4 doors lead to:
* spiral stairs down
* straight stairs up
* scullery
* toilet (smells of burning incense)

Top level

One round level with an inner circle of wall sections (8 gabs around arrowslits windows letting in pale light from outside; straight stairs down; on wall sections is locked cabinets of ranged weapons).

3 levels below

1st level spiral

stairs up; spiral stairs down; corridor T; 4 sleeping quarters (3 bunks per chamber room with 3 people chained to far wall, and 2x iron urns ( Black Pudding ) on shelf.

2nd Level

Spiral stairs up; straight stairs down; double doors once lead outside; large foyer containing amber-shaped as a tree (contains Brem with face in pain and heart missing - asks they banish him and return his heart to him later), a single canopy bed in study with locker type cabinet and a shelf of 3 jars (Will-o-Wisp look like lights swirling; brain of dark colouring; algae/agar turns into gelatinous cube that looks like slime), and amber cylinder (contained green Dragonborn Wilbur The Wanderer - amber cannot change shape so was stuck as Dragonborn - huge green dragon with yellow stripes on underneath). LAIR effect

3rd level(deepest)

straight stairs up; layer of black goo over stone floor; Necromancer's (Werri) remains (not decompsed - looks alive) in goo. LAIR effect

Purpose / Function

Originally home to a Necromancer

Place to hold, underground, the Burnt Resin (Brem) - still trapped in Amber


Turret sank low in the Black Moor, when Amber Mage arrived

Alternative Names
Amber Tower
Tower, Mage
Parent Location
Owning Organization
* The Seekers entered the Black Moor (which was renamed The Amber Moor, then became known as The Seekers Moor ), and found their way into the tower. As they fought the Neuromaucer Werri they accidentially created The Amber Plane.


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