The Battle Field Angel
Fantiel is the name of the Angel of Peace.
Legend tells of a Half-Elf female named Fantiel, who during The War of Wings, had walked alone the battlefields checking on the corpses, at the end of each day of fighting. No one attacked her, nor stopped her. She gathered those who were nearly dead and took them to a medical hut. With the dead, she gathered each one and buried them - lighting a lantern to send skywards to release their souls.
The Raven Queen honoured her, requesting that Fantiel become an angel of Celestia. She was granted the title of the Angel of Peace.
The Feast of The Battle Field Angel is celebrated on the 10th of Sai (6th month). The day is observed with a 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. People fast for the whole morning, then gather to feast in local feilds - to meet the strangers and friends from nearby. Many people honour the dead - they stand on their threshold and offer a lit lantern to float skywards to gave the lost souls of the dead ... known to them or strangers.Just outside the settlement of Wallow, next to the ancient wisteria tree, the Peace Bell is rung five times - said to keep the Demons and Devils from coming out of The Hells.