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Wallow is a small town to the West side of Gert, Malnax - close to the boarder into Tuck region.

It is a bit of a hole really.

Wallow is the type of town people travel through to get somewhere, only stop if necessary. It has no walls as it is more of a threat to itself, from those living within.

The town has ancient burial grounds from a battle known as The Dark War, which is of great importance to the people of Wallow. Demons and Devils came out of Ru'Mal - Wallow is where the people of Malnax took a stand.

Wallow has a poor economy, and a rough culture, which is mainly supported by crafting, thieving and fletching. There are animals such goats and pheasants within pens to the East side of town, next to the Stables. While pigs tend to roam freely. The town folks' biggest strengths are refined carpentry and deadly archers. However, Wallow lacks people skilled in weaponsmithing.


Is shaped as a Y on it's side - the bottom end is heading East. The top of the Y splits to head North-West to the Scofflaw amphitheater. The other top of the Y goes out the main gate to the South-West. The clock tower stands in the centre of the split on the Y . The Roaring Skull Tavern is on the South side. Back along the street, 2 doors, to the East is the Gallows Tree. 3 doors further along, on the other side of the street, is The Silent Nook Book Store


Just out of town along the road, going South West - then turns to go East, is a magnificent wisteria tree the only most beautiful thing anywhere near Wallow. It was planted [1100AG] to remember those who fell. The road goes the whole way around the beautiful tree. At around 150 years old, the massive tree is stunning when in full bloom. The vertical lilac purple flowers dangle so far down that they nearly touch the ground and create a purplish cloud that hovers above the grass. 
A small temple containing the Peace Bell has been placed beside the Wisteria tree. this bell is rang five times on the 10th day of the month of Sai, for the feast of The Battle Field Angel.

The Scar

Opposite the Wisteria tree, within the grasslands outside of town, there is an area that was magical damaged 155 years ago (1095AG].

The Clock Tower: A grey brink clock tower is the nicest thing inside this town. Quite decorative and well maintained.

The Gallows Tree: A long-dead dogwood tree, said to be haunted by the ghosts of the thieves and murderers which once hung from it.

The Nephilim Stone - within a shallow cave is a Nephilim encased in amber.

The main attraction is the old amphitheater, which could seat 350 people max (including the nobility box), which was built 127 years ago [323AG] and said to be designed by goblins. Although it is said to be no longer used, it shows signs of recent repair, fresh sand on the central ground, and maintenance.
During the daytime, the few visitors to the area visit, and sometimes teens hang out there.
At night, the amphitheater comes alive as a fighting pit. A place of fighting, betting and much drinking.
START FIGHTS = 30ft apart; 60ft behind each person; 50ft to each side.
OWNER: Schmidt Firebend - a male purple Tiefling - flirtatious, snappy dresser, cheeky, excellent singer - at a quick glance of any coin pursue, he can calculate the silver and gold coin inside (not so good judging copper pieces, or so he says).

THE WAYWARD STOP (General Goods Store)
STAFF = Haktari: Female Human Merchant, Neutral. Haktari has curly short blonde hair and large blue eyes, she can charm (+6) most people when she smiles, even with a deep scar across her left cheek. She wears sturdy clothing and a green hooded cloak with numerous pockets.
BUILDING = A solid stone building with plenty of useful items within locked cages - not much fresh bread or produce.

STAFF = Dorlessa MacDowell (Human female) and husband Everis Trahana (half-elf male) with toddler daughter Tamyana - live above store. Dorlessa likes things tidy and well organised.
BUILDING = A two story with living quarters upstairs. Downstairs is the Book Store, with the magic books at the back. The front of the store has shutters on the large window (cloae shutters from outside) and on the door (shutters close 5ft in front, from the inside.) A chain across the front door.

STAFF = Saltis Xanderax (blue Dragonborn noble). Well dressed, with a bowler hat, tailless. Loves to go to fighting pit - mainly to watch but occasionally fights.
BUILDING = A well-kept garden with a whitewashed walled one story building. Inside is a very clean well layed out store.

The Roaring Skull (Tavern)
STAFF = Owner: Kaltho Brushgather, Male Halfling - He is a pot bellied man with a broad shoulders. He wears brown leather gloves, a brown jacket, and black pants held up by both a belt and suspenders. His hair, while still mostly black, has prominent grey streaks. His eyes are a pale green.
BUILDING = Located in the main crossroads. The street outside has child (Tomkit - Tabaxi) selling lemonade for 2cp. Outside, the tavern is a plaster two-storey building, with a small fenced yard and a large cellar. Inside, it contains a small bell over the door and a large stew pot over a fire. A large mirror hangs above the fireplace.
Pheasant Stew with Barley Biscuits and a Glass of Whiskey (5sp)
Goat Cheese with Rice and a Glass of Whiskey (5sp)
Pork Stew and a Tankard of Ale (4sp)


The Town is ruled by a mysterious cabal that does not show their faces. There is some tension between the races.

Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Approximately 1600
Inhabitant Demonym
a mix of humans, dwarf, tiefling, half-elves, halfling, goblins, dragonborn and genasi
Location under

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