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The Great Naptovis Tree

The largest Naptovis Tree of all of Esau, grows on Rakee island in the PelagoIslands group. Also known as the Grandfather Tree.

It is a very wild-looking tree with a red bark and spikey yellow foliage - The small flowers that appear most of the year are a vibrant orange. If cut it drips red, blood-like sap.

This massive tree is a Warlock Patron and a considered a symbol of strength, pride and unity.

The Great Naptovis Tree stands over 365 feet tall and had a base measuring 70 feet in diametre. Around the tree is a ring of raised earth. The ring had six chestnut trees growing out of it - healthy and mature. These trees marked the quarters around its base and acted as magical boundary.


Wards protect the tree and the surrounding area.
+ Negating any detection or location magics trained on anyone within a 100‑yard (91‑meter) radius of its branches.
+ Negating any use of teleporting or gating magic within a 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) of the tree's central trunk, but only if the caster's intent was to get closer to the tree.
+ Those who attempted to heal beneath its great bough, whether through magical or natural means, would do so twice as fast - if they were protectors of the tree or worshipers of forest deities then they gain full health and healing.
+ Creatures tasked with protecting the tree gained the effect of a bless spell, while those who finished a long rest beneath it gained the benefit of greater restoration.
+ The wards would attempt to dissuade individuals of evil alignments from getting closer to the tree by means of bad omens.[4] + The tree was also able to manifest itself as guardian spirits in times of need, which are referred to as "tree ghosts." ... They were similar to a dryads - though their appearance varied. They were often noted as having a mixture of Elves, forest nypmds, korred, and satyr characteristics. They could assume either a corporeal or non-corporeal form and were as powerful as an archdruid. If destroyed these tree ghosts vanished, leaving behind only a puddle of red sap.

Natural Wonder
Location under


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