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The capital town of Wilik on Rakee, within the Pelago Islands. To the North is a fruit orchard just before a wide stone bridge without sides, that lead to the Cyora Mountains. Thru a mountain pass is the village of Lyora.

The town has forests surrounding the other three sides. Each has a long trail heading to another settlement.

The town is suffering from having to export more food to Volat Island to feed some of the armies. Prices have increased on most goods.

In between the two gates facing west to the bridge is a deep ditch known as the Ditch of Quadrillion Depth. It has slopes surrounding it.

In the centre of The Green. A grass area used for Market Stalls, ball games and celebrations.

An environment where it is not safe to disagree with the majority. It has no interest in growth or change. The people want to keep the control.
Most of the local people are not open to strangers. The vibe in Wilik is mainly of money is more important and respect is not easily earned.

Colours = white, blue, navy,

The Mountain Coliseum

A medium-sized circular amphitheatre, designed to host all types of competitions.
Owner: Hosk - female Lizardfolk - pale green scales, wears top hat, sharp tone and blunt.
Bodyguard: Charlie - male Human - wears bowler hat, humourous until pissed off

Guard Houses

Guard Master: Alger Enron - Human male - black cowboy hat. Has white horse named Rim.
2nd in charge: Hocca - Lizardfolk female. Wears brown cowboy hat. Scar across throat - cannot talk.
Horses: Thunder (dark grey) and Patch (white with brown, black and tan patches)

Wilik's Bank

A solid stone building across from The Green.

The Armour And Shields

The shopkeeper is an anxious female black Dragonborn named Sinu. She has one silver tooth.


Far end of town, is a brick building with large barn style doors. The smell is why it is a distamce from houses and shops.
Manager: Cecil R Jenkins = Human with Culpan "Guilt-Givers" blood, who works the labours hard and has a foul temper. He is bald and large man who walks with a cane (uses to hit desks and at times people).
Abattoir workers - manage animals before and during the slaughtering process. They remove hides and internal organs and split the carcasses using saws. They trim, bone and slice carcasses so they are ready for sale or further processing.
Hooved Livestock - Slaughterhouse for animals such as pigs, goats, cows, sheep and horses are usually large buildings, due to the size and number of animals that are being processed daily.

Cyora Fruit Orchard

The first orchard is located to the north just before the pass through the Cyora Mountains.
OWNERS = half human-half Air Genasi named Andra Mist, along with a Lizardfolk named Chilema.
Hire season workers.
* Cherry
* Star Fruit - Carambola
* Lychee
* Mango
* Grapes
* Figs
* Dragon Fruit
* Pears
* Apples

The Miner's Hutt

General Goods Store
The right side of the store is all mining equipment. The left side has a range of localised general items.
OWNER = Nunki Polders a pretty Human with long brown hair braided into double loops on each side. She likes to charge extra for visitors - tends to talk simply to new people, has a distrust of Genasi, Tabaxi and Firbolg.

The Anything Hull

Black Market
Owner: Emile Adah Lacey - large Human male ( is actually a Dhampir ) with fatty breasts, small grey eyes and long messy brown hair. Friendliest person in Wiliks. Plays loud music on lute or thumb piano (using thematology) and sings ballads, when waiting for customers. Wears white shirts with lace, black pants and leather waist coat. Has pet bat named Shillito.
Staff: Xenbrid - Half-Elf - use to work in forests collecting gems and other items until attacked by creatures

The Gem Box

Next to the bank.
Owner: Angolan Danit is a pretty blonde haired Human female with an air of superiority.

The Saloon

Tavern - Drinking
A saloon with a long bar and swinging doors.
OWNER: Vania Millwrights - Tiefling female - Human parents. Has blue front horns that curve upwards, pale pinkish skin, blue hair and blue eyes. Has a few daggers under bar to throw at person causing trouble - incredible aim. No nonsense. Serves anyone with coin.

The Perren Carvers

Bone, Stone and Gems Carvers
Carvings in Bone, Stone or Gems have unique designs and special meanings.
Particular time-honoured patterns inspired by natural things that represent the five of the elements - spider webs, fish scales, ripples, bark grain, waves, and the leaves.
Poor family who share anything they can spare with children. Not Overly friendly to adults.
Jonas Beatstep - male Halfling, and Jod Deva Witt - female Gnome, live with 5 year old daughter Perran. Jonas Beatstep - when not carving, Jonas works in the fruit orchard to the north.
Jod Deva Witt - when not carving, Deva is found acting at The Comet theatre - usually in a leading role.
Perran - always looks as just fallen out of a tree or got stuck in a bush - with wild auburn hair, bare feet and dusty smock. Her broad smile and cheeky laugh with sparkling green eyes makes her likeable. Perran often brings other children (some homeless) in to tea at the long table with them.

Romira's Tinctures

Location = On a narrow alley with exotic shops. The street outside is filled with gray alchemical smoke.
Description = The shop is a two-storey timber and brick building, with a slate roof. The air is filled with the scent of perfume and incense.
Shopkeeper = The shopkeeper is a proud female Half-Orc named Romira. She is inquisitive and eager for new ingredients.
+ Oil of Slipperiness (uncommon, dmg 184) - This viscous oil smells like cheese.
+ Potion of Gaseous Form (rare, dmg 187) - This yellow elixir causes the air within 10ft to become warm and humid when used.
+ Potion of Growth (uncommon, dmg 187) - A purple ichor, contained in a porcelain flask - made with juniper berries for flavour and colouring.
+ Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187) - A bright pink syrup, contained in a square jar.
+ Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187) - This translucent elixir smells like plum tart.
+ Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187) - This watery copper potion smells like cinnamon.
+ Potion of Hill Giant Strength (uncommon, dmg 187) - A sapphire oil, contained in a tapered jar etched with arcane runes.
+ Potion of Superior Healing (rare, dmg 187) - This thick ichor smells like mustard.

The Veiled Window

Low Magic Shop
The building is wooden painted white with pale blue flowers on the outside. White veil-like curtaining hangs over plain glass door and windows.
Inside is dimly lit with rosewood incense burning and the flicker of small candles. In one corner is a circle table with a bluey crystal ball in centre.
Owner: Lady Moonstruck - wears a navy gown covered in moons and stars, with a pale blue hat that has a white veil over her face.

The SilK Wand

Whore House, Bathhouse and Beauty Spa
Madam = Mimi Silkwood - Assamir long black hair and wide blue eyes - favourite colour is silver.
Place of pleasures and relaxations. Kind to anyone with enough coin.

Trove Industries

Mining Company - Dwarves
This Dwarvian owned mining company has an stone building located by the North-East gate.
Manager = Buntdus Wildrock
2nd Wife = Valdora
Children = Tyssras (17), Carlini (12), Raeleek (9), and Glynrr (6)(daughters from 1st wife Rielle who died 4 years ago) - Twin boys = Gralgrim and Gerkgrim (3 years old)
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* been loosing money as miners would not go along trail or into to mine - will pay 1pp once prove trail and mine is clear)

Eternal Flame

A large dwarvian tavern, with wide verandas upstairs. Interior is decorated old mining equipment, magically lit lanterns, and with empty windows downstairs - broken too many times to be bothered replacing.
OWNER = Digyee Tangletree: Male of Dwarves ex-Mercenary. Digyee is common in appearance, with uneven brown hair and long bushy beard, with watchful green eyes. He has night guard duty - usually wearing scale mail and wield a fauchard-fork (The Fauchard blade resembles the shape of a sickle or scythe).
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Digyee lost his shadow to a forest nymph five years back.

Staff: Jesp - Halfling with messy bird-nest hair, mainly does sweeping, mopping and cleaning - including porch and steps outside

The Comet

A two-storey stone-walled community-run theatre. It holds plays and has talent shows regularly.
On occasion will hire children to act in the plays for 1cp per show for minor roles, and 2 cp for singing parts. All in plays also get a cold wash and one meal of orchard fruits.
The local play-write is a Firbolg everyone calls Wrote.
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* Aid Haste comes often from Lyora, yet has never taken a role, however does run errands and find other homeless children to work.

Gunne to Wilik - around Nelly Toll = about 3 days (27 hours)
Gunne directly to Wilik - thru Nelly Toll = 19 hours
Wilik to Lyora - thru Cyora Mountains pass = 10 hours
Wilik to Huse = just over 8 hours

1350 approx.
Inhabitant Demonym
Human, Dwarves, Goliath, Gnomes, Lizardfolk, Tabaxi, Halfling,
Location under

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