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The Hospital of Non-Magical Ailments

This Hospital - House of Healing - in Wort Genx region of Malnax - that treats numerous non-magical ailments

In addition, to being the headquarters of a Guild of Apothecaries & Physicians, this building acts as an emergency hospital and healing centre. It acts as a vendor of Potions and medicine.


Dr Dwayne Vernett


Dr Marty Clegg (lives at Moon Manor)
Dr Robert Fangins
Dr Anita Dunk
Dr Walter Glass (Mental Ward)


Dorma Flail (Mox's mother)
Kelsey Down
Yasol Zerran

Public Agenda

The Hospital was built to study and cure natural (non-magical) conditions, diseases and infections (like Quoroplatea, Blackly, Bubonic Plague, Web Throat ), as well as some magical conditions.

Research on the ailment Dream Tears is on-going. No found non-magical cure, as yet.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Hospital has a cautious relationship with the Tender Temple of Sune. The Humans who are the healers at the Non-Magical Aliments at the Wort Hospital do not like to believe they need help from Clerics and other magic users. As Sune is the Goddess of Beauty, the Head of the Hospital Dr Dwayne Vernett, insists they are only allow to "fix" a person's appearance.

The Clerics of the Sune Temple are spoken to by Dr Vernett, quite servely about this fact.

Consortium, Research
Controlled Territories


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