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Quoroplatea is a extremely rare condition that changes the appearance of an individual's scales, feathers, hide, fur or skin. The lack of strong pigment gives the appearance that the colour is silvery pale grey with a bluish tinge.

Treatment of lotions to care for the skin, feathers, fur or scales is required throughout a person's life.

A person typically is invected with Quoroplatea during development in the egg or womb. There are some exceptions, however these are mainly in infancy and toddlerhood.
This weak pigment is different to that of the Drow, the Duergar, other Underdark creatures, and some Goliath - it is a silvery pale grey - like tin.

Unlike Albinism (see note below) it is not an inherited condition, nor does it affect their eyesight. Although, like Albinism it does change the pigment of an individual's skin, scales, fur, hide, shell, horns, lips, beak, hair, and eyes.
Quoroplatea creates the colouring to change - appear silvery pale grey, occasionally with a bluish tinge. The texture tends to be softer than usual.

NOT found in Fey, Changlings or Centaurs.
Nor found in Genasi - although Earth Genasi can be of a tin texture so look similar.
Nor is Quoropltea found in mixed breeds - also known as half-breeds. Mixed-breed humanoids are generally healthier than purebred humanoids, therefore tend to live longer too due to a stronger genetic diversity.


Aarakocra & Kenku = No matter the breed of bird they resemble, their feathers appear to be a silvery pale grey with a bluish tinge colour. The feathers feel more supple, like tin. Their beak, eyes and claws are of a pale grey colouring.

Aasimar = skin has a weak pigment and appears to be a silvery pale grey colour. Skin is supple and silky, soft. Also, tend to be bald, or have only short spikey layer of hair, for life. Their eyes too have low pigment and look a pale grey. Their feathers appear to be a silvery pale grey with a bluish tinge colour - and to touch feel like tin.

Dragonborn, YUAN-TI, NAGA, KOBOLD & Lizardfolk = scales has a pigment of tin, and appears to be a silvery pale grey with a bluish tinge colour from ears and nostrils to the tip of their tail. Also, tends to be more supple. Their eyes too have a weak pigment and look a pale grey

Firbolg = skin and fur has a weak pigment and appears to be a silvery pale grey colour. Fur is supple and silky, soft. Also, have only short spikey layer of hair and short, soft facial hair, for life. Their eyes too have low pigment and look a pale grey.

GOBLIN, GITHZERAI, GITHYANKI & Triton = skin has a weak pigment and appears to be a silvery pale grey colour with a bluish tinge colour. Skin is supple and silky, soft. Their eyes too have low pigment and look a silvery pale grey with a bluish tinge colour.

Goliath = skin has a weak pigment and appears to be a silvery pale grey colour with a bluish tinge colour (a different grey than that of some other Goliaths). Skin is more supple and soft, and less hide like than other Goliaths. Their eyes too have low pigment and look a silvery pale grey with a bluish tinge colour.

Human, Elves, Gnome, Halfling & Dwarves = skin has a weak pigment and appears to be a silvery pale grey colour. Skin is supple and silky, soft. Also, tend to be bald, without the ability to grow a beard, or have only short spikey layer of hair, for life. Their eyes too have low pigment and look a pale grey.

Tabaxi, Firbolg & Bugbears = skin has no pigment and appears to be a silvery pale grey colour. They tend to only short spikey (yet surprising soft) layer of fur without pigment. Their eyes too have low pigment and look a pale grey with yellow specks

Tiefling = skin has a weak pigment and appears to be a silvery pale grey colour. Skin is supple and silky, soft. Also, tend to be bald, or have only short spikey layer of hair, for life. Their eyes too have low pigment and look a pale grey.Their horns are a silvery pale grey with a bluish tinge colour.

TORTLE = thick hide/skin has a weak pigment and appears to be a silvery pale grey colour. Their eyes too have low pigment and look a silvery pale grey. Their shells tend to look like tin, with a silvery pale grey with a bluish tinge colour.


Albinism is an inherited condition that leads to someone having very light skin, hair, and eyes. Not just found in humanoids. It happens because they have less melanin than usual in their body. Melanin gives skin, hair, and eyes their colour. Except for vision problems, most people with albinism are just as healthy as anyone else.
Most people with ocular albinism have blue eyes. But the blood vessels inside can show through the colored part (the iris), and the eyes can look red (or pink).


If mother becomes ill during pregnancy, or egg is exposed to some unsavoury and unsanitized environment, there is a 5% chance of the newborn being born, or hatched, with Quoroplatea. If this is a proloung exposure, the percentage increases dramatically to 25%.
While in infancy and toddlerhood it is gain the unsavoury and unsanitized environment that can affect the child's develop and skin pigment.
Therefore, Quoroplatea is more common in the poorer or wilder parts of Esau.


Studied at both The Hospital of Non-Magical Ailments in Wort, of Genx region, Malnax, as well as at Flutterby Medical Hospital, Devai on the Northern Isle.

Although their is no cure, sitting in a dye bath is common place for people with Quoroplatea. The dye might last 48 to 120 hours. Red or orange coloured dye is most commonly successful.

Cultural Reception

Some cultures or tribes believe, wrongly, it to be a divine punishment on the parents (usually mother, if father is quick enough to remove themslef from the equation) - therefore banish them - either with the child, or in some cases raising the child to help make them more puritifed.

Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare


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