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Fort Defiance

Fort Defiance was one of Caelester's many coastal forts on the barrier islands of the Silent Sea. Looking out over the largest strait between the islands, it both guarded the city state from invasion by sea and helped ensure the safety of merchant vessels travelling to and from the city. After the Caelester Earthquake and an 8 month period of isolation during which neither supplies or pay were delivered, Fort Defiance and the other forts in the sea have begun operating independently, securing funding and supplies from passing merchants as they see fit. Some have sold their loyalty to powerful merchant guilds, and now operate as bases for guild privateers, contracted to harass their competitors.   Fort Defiance, however, has gone over fully to piracy, declaring itself a free port and defending that freedom with all the Cannon and trebuchets provided by Caelester in earlier times. Within the fort, there is functionally no law - leadership is gained through force of arms, and the charisma needed to acquire said force. As such, the fort has become a haven for those seeking to indulge in a wide range of pleasures not available widely available in more civilized lands, along with a number of intoxicants that are generally considered illegal.


The fort is home to many outlaws from different parts of the world. About half of these are human, with the other half being mostly half-elves and beastkin of various species. Most of the original Caelestrans who served in the fort have fled, finding work in the more civilized forts operated by the merchant guilds or returning to their home city.   Most are young adults, from their late teens to early 40s, being far too rough and tumble to appeal to most older folk. One of the leading pirate captains makes a point of offering new mothers and their babies safe passage to his home city - firmly believing that Fort Defiance is no place to raise a child. Most take him up on this offer, which means there are very few children present.


Fort Defiance is currently ruled by a council of pirate captains and quartermasters. Officially, they claim that all captains and quartermasters are part of this council, but they rarely "remember" to invite newcomers to the meetings. Said meetings are often more informal gatherings at one of several local drinking establishments, where those present discuss problems that have risen in the community and find potential solutions. In cases where a consensus cannot be established, dissenting captains or quatermasters are generally permitted to pursue their own solution. On several occasions, such disagreements have built up to a point where one member of the council kills another, either by duel, murder, or an attack at sea.

Cover image: Decorative Divider 44 by Firkin


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