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Menelaus Nicolescu

Menelaus Nicolescu is the enigmatic owner of Fortuna Virtuosa, a highly popular casino and entertainment hub in Caelester. They are something of a social chameleon. To the nobility, they act as a butler of another household, gracious, accomodating, and happy to be of service; to a commoner, they are a wecoming host and friend, laughing at jokes and sharing rumours freely. If politics comes up, they are politely noncommittal, more than happy to hear what others have to say while keeping their beliefs close to their chest.   Their malleability comes naturally to them, as they are a Shifter, capable of changing their form as they see fit. While the face of "Menelaus Nicolescu" is quite recognizable, they sometimes adopt other guises, male and female of many different species. However, they spend most of their time as they are, quite content with their life as proprietor of the city's most acclaimed casino. Most believe that "Menelaus Nicolescu" is a stage name, drawn from ancient Asurian legends. If pressed on the issue, Menelaus would say that is their chosen name, and that they have given up any other.  

Teller of Stories

Menelaus's main passion in life is telling stories and creating experiences for others to enjoy. They see themselves less as a day-to-day manager of Fortuna Virtuosa (relying on a handful of trusted friends who handle the mundane practicalities of business), and more of a curator of experience. As a whole, they present the casino as a place to relieve the stress of life in the city. In times of plenty when life is busy, they craft a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere, making a night out something of a miniature holiday; in times of strife, they craft a happy and carefree experience - a place where one can forget their sorrows not through alcohol or other intoxicants (though many varieties thereof are available) but simply through the joy and comfort provided.   They are most passionate about the theatre in the North Wing, eagerly collecting a wide range of theatrical and musical performances to present. Currently their collection contains several hundred works of each, including some that call for acting styles and musical instruments most Caelestrans, including Menelaus, have never seen - they are hopeful that, one day, they might manage to hire performers from places around the world to introduce these new forms of art to the city.  

Writer of History

Privately, Menelaus deeply detests Giles Baxter, the Steward of Caelester, thinking him a dangerous idiot whose leadership will doom the city to obscurity. Therefore, they work in secret to oppose his reign, sheltering the known members of the Guildmaster's Council, providing them information gleaned from their many customers and helping craft cover stories for the council's agents.

Cover image: Decorative Divider 44 by Firkin


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