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The Tree of Peace

Olives, and especially the oil produced from them, have long been the most recognizable agricultural export of Asuria. Since the earliest days of the Asurian Empire, and perhaps even further back into antiquity, the tree has been a symbol of peace and prosperity, friendship and community.   It is said that in times long past, the gods were at war with amongst themselves. The two factions gathered forces, enlisting great hosts of blessed warriors to do battle. The war culminated with a great battle. Mortals clashed on the ground as the gods did battle in the heavens above. So great was the carnage that the earth was sundered, breaking apart and spewing forth great fonts of lava. Lands fell away into the sea, drowning the armies even as they fought. Eventually, exhausted, the gods broke away.   Only then did they see the ruin they had brought to the world below. With the grounds below shattered and sinking beneath the waves, only a thin strip of land remained - a great chain of barren mountains formed during the battle: Asuria. Seeing this, knowing how many they had led to their deaths in a pointless struggle (for the gods are immortal, and immortals can never truly be slain), they were ashamed. The two sides parlayed, and agreed to work together, offering a grand apology to the world. Combining their powers, they made Asuria an offering of peace. They made the lands fertile, and brought new life, creating a land of plenty. They raised shielding islands, making safe harbours for fisherfolk. They walled off and dried an inland sea, giving an abundance of salt. They seeded the mountains with rare and precious ores and stones.   And finally, they created something new: a species of tree, fated to last as long as the peace between the gods. These trees bear the fruit of the gods, the juice of which is a thick and wondrous oil that enhances the flavour and quality of all other foods. To this day, untold millennia later, the olive tree remains a symbol of peace and prosperity. In the Asurian Empire, an olive tree sapling was a traditional gift for the leaders of areas brought into the empire, as well as to allies committing to aid the empire in times of need. A branch bearing fruit (or a painted paper representation of fruit) was offered in any lesser truce.

Cover image: Decorative Divider 44 by Firkin


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