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Hallowed Men

Over three millennia ago, as the Years of Men were just beginning and the gift of magic was only recently bestowed upon mortal beings, a mysterious and taboo form of arcane power was sought after by the corporeal races. With the advent of the arcane, overly ambitious men consumed by the wonder of their new powers opened mystical portals to far-off planes of existence and unleashed a host of terrible and monstrous beings upon the world of Esos. In response to this calamity, an order of warriors making use of the secrets of blood magic stepped forth to face the threat head on. The group of fighters would come to be known as the Hallowed Men.  


The code of the Hallowed Men demands its followers commit themselves to hunting monsters that threaten the material plane. The sacrifice that each disciple makes is demanding, but the reward is the silent understanding that the world continues to turn in a relatively peaceful and pure state. The Hallowed Men strive to protect those who cannot protect themselves from that which dwells in the darkness, away from the self-concerned eyes of noble lords and ladies. Very few of those who follow the order take credit for their heroic deeds, beyond what is necessary to live and travel. There are those who have taken advantage of the order’s teachings and attempt to use their skills to accumulate great fortunes; however, the High Council will often deliver swift punishment to those who would abuse the people they are sworn to protect.  


The existence of the Hallowed Men is typically discussed in hushed tones among the people of Valennia. While there are those who understand the true purpose of the faction’s existence, the lords of Ekgård and the Valensword League have long been weary of the populist fervor that often develops around the order as their valiant accomplishments become public knowledge. As a result, the Order of the White Raven in particular tends to remain rather reclusive behind the walls of their keep, only sending out adventuring parties to deal with immediate threats to the areas surrounding Jagged Tooth Bay.   Over time, new orders splintered off from the White Raven and established themselves throughout the lands of Esos. Each of these groups maintains a different relationship with the community in which they reside. The Order of the Wicked Panther located along the far southern coast of the continent of Valennia are highly respected by the local tribes and clans. They have even begun to combine their blood magic knowledge with the shamanistic practices of the indigenous peoples of the Amassona Jungle, in order to create a power known as the Profane Soul.   Two more Hallowed Men factions exist: The Order of the Night Wolf and the Order of the Great Wyrm. Each of these two groups keeps a unique relationship with their respective society. While the Order of the Night Wolf has long operated within the Aéfdæl province of Weströnd from their sanctuary of Kveld-Úlfr, doing their best to sustain a level of impartiality in the political affairs of the region, rumors have it that with the election of Commander Valfred "the Bear" Reynolds, the order has taken to silently serving the Stormgård Empire. It is said that they act as a lethal and menacing arm of the emperor.   The Order of the Great Wyrm is the youngest of the four Hallowed Men factions. Operating out of the Serpent’s Tower in the dwarven stronghold of Drakengard, the group’s members enjoy a kind of uneasy reverence by the people of Eldamir for their contributions during the Dracomachy and the services they now provide throughout the Blasted Lands. The current commander of the Order of the Great Wyrm, Calgrail the Wise, even maintains a seat on the Council of Drakengard. Furthermore, as a sign of respect for the blood hunter faction, dragon hunting aircrews will typically offer members of the Hallowed Men permanent positions within their groups, understanding the value of having a blood hunter amongst their ranks in a fight.  

Orders of Hallowed Men

Order of the White Raven

Founded by the first man to be imparted with the powers of blood magic, Evindal Ravaceran, the Order of the White Raven is the original school of Hallowed Men to come about in the early years of the Age of Heroes. This group of witchmen gained popular appeal among the citizens of Ekgård and the Valensword League for their heroism in vanquishing many monsters that threatened society. The lords of Esos were threatened by the populist fervor that surrounded the Hallowed Men and saw them as a hazard to maintaining control over their lands. As a result, a smear campaign was launched, and the Order of the White Raven receded into its castle—Hel’Rún Watch—located along the Jagged Tooth Bay. Today, the order is rather reclusive and rarely engages with the public.
Order of the Wicked Panther

The Order of the Wicked Panther came about as disciples of the White Raven grew frustrated with the sequestered and reclusive decision making of their order and made the choice to branch out and form their own of school of Hallowed Men. These witchers traveled deep into the Amassona Jungle, aware of the many terrifying and exotic dangers that awaited them. After many, many months of traveling, the monster hunting faction arrived in the southern reaches of the Amassona Jungle and encountered several local tribes who practiced shamanistic religions. Together they went about constructing the Hallowed Men city of Báalam’obé and developing the monster hunting techniques of the Profane Soul.
Order of the Night Wolf

The Order of the Night Wolf is one of the most terrifying and brutal factions of the Hallowed Men. This group of monster slayers truly live up to the slanderous image first created by the lords of Esos so many centuries ago. The Night Wolf are ruthless and vicious faction that care little for what ordinary citizens think of them. Since their inception, they have always kept the public at arm’s length and carried out their contracts with deadly accuracy. While the unspoken code among Hallowed Men is to stay out of the political affairs of nations, with the election of their new commander, Valfred “the Bear” Reynolds, the Order of the Night Wolf has become rather sympathetic to the agenda of the Stormgård Empire.
Order of the Great Wyrm

The Order of the Great Wyrm is the youngest of the four Hallowed Men schools. The Great Wyrm came about as members of the Night Wolf moved further east seeking new lands and more opportunity. The order calls the Serpent’s Tower, located with the city of Drakengard, home and is well liked within the dwarven fortress. Led by Commander Calgrail "the Wise", the Order of the Great Wyrm was quintessential in the mortal alliance’s victory during the events of the Dracomachy.


As the story goes, early during the Age of Heroes, powerful magics unleashed terrible beasts and constructs upon the lands of Esos. Few warriors were readily equipped to combat the ferocity and mystical nature of these monsters. As these creatures ravaged the land, the people of Esos grew fearful for their safety. The legend states, of one particular raid upon an elven village located with Moracaer Forest, enacted by a horde of undead led by a vampire king, that was so devastating it left one sole survivor. The man, Evindal Ravacern, was so devasted by the loss of everyone that he knew and cared for, that he cried out to the gods for help. What appeared to him next was a radiant white raven. As it descended from the sky and perched on his shoulder, the raven touched its beak to Evindal's forehead and in doing so, presented the knowledge of blood magic to him.   With his newfound powers, Evindal unleashed a wave of fury upon the village's attackers. However, while he was more than capable of felling the undead skeletons and lesser zombies and demons that made up the vast majority of the horde's numbers, the vampire king proved too difficult for him to defeat alone. And so, Evindal went about creating the first order of the Hallowed Men. Claiming the image of the ghostly bird that originally bestowed the forbidden blood magic upon him as his banner, the Order of the White Raven was created. Evindal trained other willing recruits - men and women who had lost everything to the demonic hordes - in the ways of blood magic, requiring them to undertake the Hunter's Bane and assume the mantle of blood hunter.   Using their forbidden skills, the Hallowed Men were able to defeat the vampire king. However, the blood hunters, or witchmen as some people came to call them, deemed their quest incomplete. The monster hunters continued to purge the lands surrounding the Moracaer Forest, the Bhaelros Peaks, and the Narrow Highlands of any undead monstrosity or violent construct that might be a threat. As the faction of Wiccan grew in numbers and fame, the lords of Esos became fearful of the power they had come to wield. In an attempt to stave off the populist groundswell collecting around Evindal and his companions, the lords of Esos initiated a successful smear campaign directed at the blood hunters. They suggested the Hallowed Men were the ones responsible for unleashing the undead and demonic masses upon the people. While some knew the truth and tried to clear their name, it became obvious that Evindal and his order were no longer welcome in the lands that they once fought so fervently to protect.   Led by their founder, the Hallowed Men retreated to the burned remains of the village Evindal once called home. After a period of mourning and reflection, Evindal guided the Hallowed Men into the Bhaelros Peaks. Once he had found a suitable location, Evindal set about erecting a stronghold he could call his own, a place where his followers could feel welcome and call home. Now located on the northern coast of the Jagged Tooth Bay, the castle Hel'Run Watch sits as the home of the first order of the Hallowed Men - the Order of the White Raven.   Since the faction's establishment, other Hallowed Men orders have sprung up throughout the lands of Esos. The second group to form was the Order of the Wicked Panther. This group operates in the southern reaches of the Amassona Jungle, combating the mutated and exotic dangers that reside within the rainforest. Following the World Shatter, two more Hallowed Men schools were established on the continents of Eldamir and Westrond. The Order of the Night Wolf was created in Westrond, while the Order of the Great Wyrm was founded in the Blasted Lands of Eldamir.  

The Hunter's Bane

The Hunter’s Bane stands as the most closely guarded secret of the Blood Hunter orders. The process, first undertaken by Evindal Ravaceran, involves a series of trials that every potential wiccan must endure in order to fully harness the powers of blood magic. Each test comprises a number of challenges that the Blood Hunter must face, as well as a number of alterations made to his or her mind, body, and soul in order to grant them access to hemocraft. These trials are painful, scarring, and sometimes fatal. Those that survive find themselves permanently transformed; their abilities enhanced.

Hallowed Men

Civilian, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Hexer, Wiccan, Witcher, Witchmen

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