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South Gate

South Gate is the partner fortress to Northwatch. Constructed around the same time period, the garrison was created to help secure the Narrow Channel from potential invasion following Alexandria's war for independence. South Gate houses nearly 3,400 active duty soldiers and serves as a watchful eye to the trade ships that venture north from Saayanda. Away from the prying eyes of mainland, South Gate also operates as a testing ground for the experimental military technologies developed by the Alexandrian research division in conjunction with the magical scholars of the University of Alexandria. It was here that the first amonite powered airships were developed and utilized by the Alexandrian military, before becoming a technology mass produced by the private sector.


The fortress is helmed by the young, but brilliant General Priya Lawson. Graduating at the top of her class in magical engineering from the University of Alexandria and a standout among the officer corps of the military, General Lawson quickly gained favor with King Oliver and earned her position leading the research division of the Alexandrian military at South Gate.

Industry & Trade

Beyond the rations needed to survive and the small-scale trade between the soldiers and local fishing community, little commerce is available. Visitors and adventures who make their war to South Gate will most likely have to search elsewhere for the items and supplies they desire.
Military, Base
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Owning Organization

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