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wind goddess

Divine Domains

wind/air, knowledge, luck

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

as one of the youngest of the divinities she takes the form of a child. she is typically very light, but can make it so that she is very heavy.

Body Features

she has wings that are a mix of those of the fairy, pixie, and angel races, that she can make visable, semivisable, or invisable

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

free spirited-does what she feels is right/what she feels like in the monent

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

she is impecabilly loyal, earn her favor and you have an ally/friend of eternity


Family Ties

the other divinities. her parents are Maho and Rhea. her adopted siblings Namari and Zoras. her other siblings: Eira, Viros, Aldis, Vara

Social Aptitude

her is considered to be exteremly charismatic by those who know/get to know her. she is extroverted. often forgets proper ettiquette and has to be reminded, but once that happens she is ((depending on the situation) not always) quick to correct herself.
Divine Classification
(elemental, air) goddess
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
wind/air goddess/ goddess of wind/air, child of nature and magic, guardian of knowledge and luck
Circumstances of Birth
creation of the air/wind
Known Languages
she knows all languages as they are all carried on the wind.


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