Sons of Soldiers

The Sons of Soldiers is a military program run by The Royal Army that has garnered some mixed criticism. From the outside, it appears as though they are training children as young as 6 to fight in the military, but the real story isn't so grim.   A negative outcome when much of your citizenry are soldiers, is that their children often end up fatherless and even orphaned. Unruly children living on the streets of the capitol became such a problem that the Royal Army created a new program within their military to deal just with such children.   Any child 6 or older who has no legal guardians or whose legal guardians submit them is subscripted into one of two programs based on their gender.   Girls are sent to a camp run by women where they are taught skills such as cooking, weaving, child rearing, medical training, and any other non-combat skills the Royal Army allow women to provide for the military. At the age of 14, they are allowed to exit the program through marriage, but otherwise stay with the program until 16, at which point they are given 2 options: They can receive pay from the military for the skills they've been trained for or they can leave to do as they want.   Boys are sent to a bootcamp where they are trained to fight, smith or taught military strategy. Similarily to the girls program, at 16 the boys are given a choice: join the Royal Army, or be on their way.
Military, Other
Parent Organization


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