The Royal Army

Even as the ages have passed, the Royal Army has never lost control of The Capitol. While their influence has grown and been reduced over time they are still considered one of the oldest and most powerful factions in Estia. However they follow the old ways, as such they are almost purely an army, more interested in enforcing old laws than creating new ones. Rank is gained by skill, in time or as a reward. Attaining certain ranks can also require sacrifice through oaths. The Royal Army lives by a code of honor, and breaking the code can lead to being expelled or executed depending on the offense. Their code however is why they have such great support from the citizens they protect, because they tax fairly and while their justice is outdated it is consistent. While any race is permitted in the Royal army, women of any race are forbidden within the army.


The Royal Army is a bit of a misnomer since it is more than just an army. There are several major divisions in the Royal Army: Sea, Combat and Range. Those divisions further break down soldiers into title and rank. Title names the specialty of a soldier like a medic, helmsman or mage, while the rank indicates the level of seniority or skill within that specialty. An example of a soldier identifying himself may look like: Medic, Class 2, 51st Mounted Combat Division or Ranger, Special Class, 10th Range Division.  

Combat Division

The combat division further breaks down into Mounted or Frontline, and soldiers are organized into squads of eight soldiers that always include: 1 each of a First Class, Second Class, Third class soldier and Medic, and 4 Fourth Class soldiers of varying specialties. The lower the class number, the higher the rank. Eight squads then report to a Commander, Third Class and so the chain of command goes up to General and finally Commander General being the top rank in the The Royal Army.


The culture of The Royal Army is that peace is found through justice. And so it is their sworn duty to uphold the law. For a Royal Army soldier, breaking the law incurs severe punishments,

Public Agenda

The Royal Army's sole purpose is to hold the line until a King can be re-established. And while there are several claims the throne, they are off fighting their own battles until one is left standing. This has led to some long and drawn-out wars that are unlikely to end anytime soon. And so the Royal Army maintains the Capitol, it's citizens and the defense thereof until the return of a King.

In justice, find peace.

Military, Army
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


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