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Crotan (Crow-tawn)

Crotan is a nation on the southern tip of The Expanse. It is a theocratic hegemony worshipping the god Tyr, and is the largest and most powerful theocracy in Estrodia.


Crotan was founded in 240 AC, though would not mature into its modern incarnation until the 500s, when Tyr fundamentalism reached the nation and took enough of a hold to become the dominant force within Crotan. How exactly this happened has been lost to time and is widely disputed amongst historians, though it is generally agreed that the Church of Tyr within Croton officially took over governmental duties around 564 AC. In its modern incarnation, Crotan is a totalitarian theocracy led by a High Cleric, with a strict hierarchy of clerics and politicians existing beneath him.   Since its founding, Crotan has been an opportunistic nation primarily interested in its own enrichment, particularly the enrichment of its leaders despite ostensibly worshipping a god of law and justice. To this end, Crotan has waged wars and embarked on "crusades" against its neighbors in order to secure resources and land. Crotan also has an extensive network of spies and covert operatives that secretly work to further its goals.

War Against Ostrad

Throughout its existence, Crotan has waged either direct or proxy wars with its neighbor to the north, Ostrad, in an attempt to secure the source of the Rocky Run River as well as valuable resources in Ostradian territory. Combined with pressure from its other neighbors, Crotan would eventually push Ostrad back to its capitol city. In 1227, following the removal of the Ostrad Time Bubble, Crotan would deal the killing blow to Ostrad, decimating its final stronghold with the help of Hadryan mercenaries and their heavy artillery.   With Ostrad out of the way, Crotan has cleared the way for both it and Ostrad's other neighbors to swarm in and claim territory, leading to a potentially much more powerful Crotan.


The Hegemony of Crotan is a strict hierarchy separated into several branches each with their own ranks, and dominates the social and political landscape of the nation. Many backhanded moves and political tricks are played to advance in this hierarchy, and those at the top are generally those who have clawed their way there.

High Cleric

The High Cleric of Crotan is the highest office in the Hegemony, and as such holds absolute authority over all others within it. It is the only office not separated into a branch, existing above them and having authority over all of them. While it is possible for women to achieve as high a title as High Bishop, only males may qualify for the position of High Cleric. The current High Cleric is Jakob Boremund.

The High Council

The High Council is a small group of the leaders of each branch of the Crotan Hegemony, and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the nation at the discretion of the High Cleric. Only the High Cleric is above them, and they each have absolute authority within their respective branches.   The members of the High Council are:
  • Tyr's First Sword
  • The High Bishop of Braewood
  • The First Councilor
  • The First Assessor


The upper class of Crotan is explicitly separated from those below them, and generally consist of the upper levels of the different branches, excluding the leaders who are considered in a tier above nobility. The highest of these noble ranks may be high ranking bishops or military commanders, while the lowest may be advisors of a specific discipline or the leaders of specific regiments. Generally, if a title comes with privileges beyond those awarded to basic members of the Hegemony, it may be considered nobility.


Called the "servant class", the lowest titles of the Hegemony still hold privileges above an ordinary citizen of Crotan, although are generally looked down on by those above them. This class is the largest of the three, and consists of the people who do most of the "grunt" work that actually keeps the gears of Crotan going. Most in this class are voluntarily serving, although a not insubstantial amount are either indebted to or otherwise forced to serve the Hegemony and belong to this class.


Crotan lays at the southern tip of the Expanse, and given its proximity to Cerulean, has a dry climate when compared with other nations of the Expanse. The only major city is Braewood, located directly along the Rocky Run River, and the rest of the nation is an arid plateu covered in dry grass with small groupings of arid trees breaking up the plains. Several rocky outcroppings dot the landscape as well.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


Though they have never come into direct conflict, Cupros is wary of Crotan, and the two nations do not enjoy friendly relations.


While they are willing to ostensibly work together against a common enemy, Crotan and Steoso are wary of each other, and war between the two nations would not be considered a surprise.


Being the only other country besides Ostrad to share a border on the Expanse, Cuchijan has come into conflict with Crotan on multiple occasions, and the two nations remain unfriendly with one another.


Crotan was party to the destruction of Ostrad, and before that the two nations were in open war.

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