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High Cleric Boremund

Jakob Boremund is the High Cleric of Crotan and a powerful Cleric, and the leader of the Church of Tyr. He is the expert connected to the Tyr Stone.


Rise to Power

Boremund would begin his career as a Follower in the Crotan Hegemony, but quickly rose through the ranks to become a High Priest within just three years of starting out. He achieved this meteoric rise through a combination of devout service to Crotan and a ruthless, conspiring will that served him well in Crotan's social structure. He would maintain this position for some years, advancing slowly to High Bishop, and waiting nearly a decade for his opportunity to oust the then High Bishop of Braewood, which he did in 1199 AC. Only a few weeks after he had achieved this position, then High Cleric Desmond suffered a terrible accident and died, leaving the office vacant. Boremund leveraged his position and intelligence to secure votes from the rest of the High Council, and he was elected unanimously to become the next High Cleric of Crotan in 1200 AC.

Crotan Under Boremund

From the start of his reign, Boremund was an obvious departure from High Clerics of the past. Whereas most High Clerics would be mostly superficial figureheads of the Hegemony, enjoying lavish lifestyles and leaving the governing to their lessers, Boremund showed an immediate willingness to engage with the more minute parts of Crotan's operations. Boremund is often directly engaged in planning Crotan's military efforts as well as civilian policy-making, making Boremund's position of High Cleric one of the strongest in Crotan's history. Very little in Crotan occurs without his knowledge and consent, and he is particularly involved in the unofficial shadow branch of the Hegemony to achieve this near-omniscience. He is so involved that he has even interacted directly with Innoculi, a practice unheard of for someone at his level in the Hegemony.

Ostrad and the Tyr Stone

As with High Clerics of the past, Boremund's Crotan has not been subtle in their pursuit of Ostrad's territory. Throughout his reign, Boremund has waged a relentless campaign against Ostrad, and is directly responsible for much of the nation's destruction. Upon the emergence of the Ostrad Time Bubble, Boremund ordered Hadryan mercenaries to be hired to bombard the shielded city, an act that would eventually spell the complete destruction of Ostrad once the time shield fell.


Boremund has been described in public as the platonic ideal of a follower of Tyr, dispensing justice and upholding the law whenever possible and always leading with integrity. However, as with most of Crotan, it is an open secret that he is actually a deeply corrupt and amoral man. Boremund can be indirectly or directly connected to many of the more nefarious acts Crotan has committed during his reign, and he seems to take an almost gleeful pleasure in directly participating in acts that would otherwise offend a true follower of Tyr.
Current Status
Date of Birth
31st of Red Shift
Year of Birth
1160 AC 67 Years old
Aligned Organization

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