

Arcadia connects to Pandemonium and Utopia by portals made of either white ivory or black steel, shaped like flower trellises. These portals are few in number but rested at fixed locations in the first layer. Little is known about the other two layers.


Abellio is the first layer of Arcadia. An endless stretch of orderly plains dotted with a few mountains and hills, it contains the divine realm of the Annunaki.


Buxenus was the second layer of Arcadia in the Great Wheel cosmology. It contains the divine realms the Field of Reeds, the shared divine realm of the Pharaonic Pantheon.

Orb of Day and Night

The Orb of Day and Night is a great sphere perched atop Arcadia's highest peak, with one half glowing and the other half dark. It rotates evenly and continually, at all times illuminating one half of the infinite plane and leaving the rest in natural darkness. This causes day and night in Arcadia, though there is no twilight, just day and night.

Fauna & Flora

Many woodland creatures roam the mountains, hills, forests, and fields of Arcadia. They resemble Prime Material creatures except for their coloring, which is metallic like the trees, and their eyes, which are white without iris or pupil. Examples include copper colored rabbits, golden foxes, and sheep with silver wool. Organized, hive-dwelling insects such as ants, bees, and wasps are also found in this plane. None of the animals can speak but all are peaceful in nature and native to the Outer Planes so they are unaffected by magics that usually work on Prime Material creatures. In addition, their eyes allow them to see through any illusion and the more intelligent animals can be trained into superb watch beasts.

The primary inhabitants of Arcadia are the spirit legions formed from the souls of good and lawful warriors, much like their evil counterparts in Acheron. Other sentient creatures that dwell in Arcadia included hollyphants, planetars, foo creatures and the occasional deva. It is not uncommon to see creatures from neighboring planes visiting: shedu, greater and lesser lammasu, and ki-rin for example.

Dimensional plane
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