
Of all known layers of Acheron, Avalas contains the largest number of cubes, which range in size from cities to continents. The layer was also the most densely inhabited of the plane. Collisions between cubes are constant, happening as frequently as once a week and sending resounding vibrations throughout the layer. The collisions also slowly erode the cubes, destroying structures on the surface, carving canyons, and collapsing tunnels. Due to the very orderly nature of the plane, the cracks on the cubes' faces are always perpendicular, so large cubes always break down into smaller cubes. For that reason, smaller cubes are typically the oldest, while larger ones are younger.

The layer is continuously replenished with new, featureless cubes that are generally avoided by other cubes' inhabitants due to their lack of food sources and places to hide in the event of a collision. The Styx crisscrosses the layer, emerging from a crater on one cube, running for miles, draining down into another crater, and reappearing on a different cube entirely. Sometimes, it change course and drown whole cities, taking with it memories and lives. In other places, the river flows through one cube's face only to plummet into another in massive―and deadly―waterfall.


Divine Realms
  • Clangor, realm of Maglubiyet and the Goblinoid Deities.
  • Nishrek, realm of the Orcish deities.
  • Zigguraxus, realm of Gilgeam.

Notable Cubes

  • The Blue Cube, lair of the solitary blue dragon Teslor.
  • Reizmis, a cube located near the entry point of the Styx into Avalas. The river completely engulfs the cube in a waterfall, causing its material to rust and absorb some of its memory-stealing properties. The Doomguard of Sigil hold a mining facility deep within the cube, where they use the metal to forge weapons infused with negative energy.
  • Wreychtmirk, a cube along the Styx course that allows travelers to accurately predict the river's destination. The Styx flows from each of the cube's faces into a specific Lower Plane, causing each face to assume the plane's characteristics, so a passenger always knows where the river leads from each face.
Dimensional plane
Location under


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