
This layer is the Sargasso Sea, Elephants' graveyard, and scrap heap for countless contraptions, creations, weapons, armor, failed experiments, broken devices, fallen buildings, and shipwrecks of sea and air. The blocks of Thuldanin are hollow and pockmarked with pits that lead deep into the interior. There the flotsam and jetsam of the ages turn to stone in a matter of days or weeks because of the magic of this layer.

Thuldanin has no inhabitants, except for the duergar living in Hammergrim. Other than this, there is only the occasional visitor from Avalas looking for some piece of magic or technology that might turn the tide of battle.


Divine Realms

  • The Citadel of Thought, realm of Deep Duerra.
  • Hammergrim, realm of Laduguer.

Notable Cubes

  • The Mines of Marsellin, a well-known mining site.
Dimensional plane
Location under


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