
Heir of Apsu, Lord of the Earth (a.k.a. Enki)

Born the youngest of the Anunnakki, Ea was present in the days before creation. He grew along side his elder siblings, giving the sound of laughter to the silence of the void. This angered Apsu and drive him to plot their collective demise. Tiamat warned her children of her husbands wrath, and the siblings nominated Ea to entreat with Apsu. Ea confronted the furious primordial dragon within his den, but Apsu proved intractable. Ea cast a spell of great power to seal Apsu into a deep sleep, from which he would not soon wake, in the hope that this would soothe the Wyrm's wrath. Enlil and their sisters Gula and Nisaba had dragged the great Wyrm out from his den and killed him.   Within the fullness of time Apsu reformed, as deities are nearly impossible to truly kill. His anger had cooled somewhat, though he was still cross with his elder children. For his youngest, he appreciated the young god's attempt to solve the problem peacefully and bestowed upon Ea several gifts. He was given dominion over the fresh waters of creation, named King of the Gods. Ki created for him a bride, Damkina was her original name. Ninmah would she also be known, and Belet-Ili would be her title as she was Queen of the Gods. For them was created a Paradise they called Dilmun, where the Fresh Waters of Apsu and the Salt Waters of Tiamat would coalesce. Ea's nephew, Ninurta, created the first mountains in their honor and would grant the title of Ninhursag to Damkina.

Divine Domains

Chaos (Revelry), Charm (Captivation), Knowledge (Memory), Magic (Arcane), Rune (Language, Wards)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

the Capricorn [a half-goat, half-fish creature]
Divine Classification


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