
The One on High,

Divine Domains

Glory (Honor), Good (Redemption), Law (Loyalty), Nobility (Leadership), Void (Stars)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the early days of creation, Anu was the first of the new Gods born of the Primodial Deities Anshar and Kishar. Anu was held responsible for the heavens and his sister Ki was responsible for the earth. The two were inseparable, and in the fashion of the gods, Ki bore children to Anu as her consort. Their Children are known as the Anunnaki: Enlil, Ea, Gula, and Nisaba. As time passed and these new gods grew to adulthood, they would spend much time playing games and enjoying raucous celebrations. This noise unsettled their forebear, Apsu, who was in an eons long slumber.


In an attempt to prevent conflict between them, Tiamat told the Gods of Apsu's wrath. They decided to send Anu to speak with Apsu, as he was the greatest of them. When Anu stood before his Great-Grandfather, he was cowed. When Anu failed to quell Apsu's anger, they turned to Ea the Lord of Earth. He wove a powerful spell which put Apsu to sleep, and so they snuck into Apsu's den, bound him and dragged him out. In the open they slew him, and over the corpse they built Ea's great temple. Of course, such a thing cannot truly kill a deity, but much of his primordial power was lost. Apsu would reform in the later days of creation, but b them his anger had cooled. Anu passed down the crown of the King of the Gods to Ea.




Towards Ki



Towards Anu

Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Lawful Good
Ki (spouse)


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