
Lord of the Wind, Earth and Storms. Mooring-Rope of heaven and earth

Divine Domains

Air (Cloud), Good (Agathion), Luck (Imagination), War (Tactics)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

the Horned Crown

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Enlil was portrayed as a tall human male with a dark, weighty beard and curly hair. He could change his form at will, raise lightning storms, and he kept for himself, alone of his pantheon, the ability to raise the dead. Enlil wears a war helm that cannot be affected by any known attack or substance. He wielded an unbreakable lapis lazuli mattock that disenchanted any weapon it hit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

First born of the Annunaki, Enlil is said to have brought with him the air of the world. He separated yet held together the heavens and the earth, as he does his parents. As he came of age, he would seduce his cousin Sud, and she would bare him their son Nanna, the God of the Moon. This would see Enlil banished to the underworld for his misbehavior. When Sud followed after him into Kur, Enlil would seduce her again in disguise as a gatekeeper and thereafter she would bare Nergal, the God of Death. Lastly, he would officially take Sud as his bride, granting her the title Ninlil and they would bare a final child: Ninurta.   In the later days of creation, after the advent of humanity, Enlil because angered by the noise Humans made and their vast population. He sought to destroy them with a great flood, though his brother Ea warned a loyal worshipper, Utnapishtim, of the oncoming waters. After the seven days and nights of the flood, Ishtar, his granddaughter, wept for the loss of life. She would promise Utnapishtim that Enlil would never cause another flood, but Enlil was still furious to see a survivor of his cataclysm. It was his son Ninurta who would recommend that Human population be kept in check with wild animals and famines. When Enlil visited Utnapishtim personally, the human and his wife bowed before the God, and Enlil would spare them for their loyalty.   Thereafter, Enlil would bless humanity with the creation of the Mattock as their first forged tool. This first mattock was made of divine gold and a head of lapis lazuli. He commands humans to use this tool to farm, build and subjugate other peoples. He also created the gods Emesh and Enten, a shepherd and a farmer, commanding them to establish abundance and prosperity for mortals.
Divine Classification


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