Lahmu and Lahamu

Lahmu, "Hairy" is the name of a protective and beneficent deity is a first-born son of Apsu and Tiamat. Lahamu was the first-born daughter of Tiamat and Apsu, and Lahmu's counterpart.Together they are the parents of Anshar and Kishar, the sky father and earth mother, who birthed the gods of the Anunnaki Pantheon. Laḫmu is depicted as a bearded man with a red sash-usually with three strands- and four to six curls on his head, and Lahamu as a woman with a red sash and six curls on her head. Lahmu is charged with guarding the gates of the Apsu temple of Enki, and is served by Kusarikku the Bull-Man.   Though they are Deities, they do not maintain their own church nor do they grant spells to Clerics.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity


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