
Talagra's buildings, tightly packed and built from volcanic rock and wood, line the inner bowl of a nameless, dormant volcano. Cobblestone roads form concentric circles around a small but deep lake of cold water which fills the volcano's basin. Although sewage seeps into the lake, local clerics routinely purify the water for the citizens in exchange for charitable donations to their temples.   A 50-foot-tall fortified wall of black malachite encircles the city, tracing the outer rim of the volcano. Four roads descend the volcano's slopes, becoming major throughfares that lead to other towns and distant realms. The regions nearer the rim of the city tend to be occupied by upper class families and elite merchants. The close one gets to the center of town (and the close to the often pungent odors of the central lake), the shoddier the construction and the more dangerous its dark allies become.   Most people get around Talagra on foot, although the town has its share of wagons and carriages, most of them owned by merchants and nobles.

Industry & Trade

Talagra's major exports come from two sources: mines and plantations. Both industries are based in the hills surrounding the city, and are managed by the various noble families who live in the area. Obsidian and diamonds are the primary products mined in the region. Plantations usually produce sugarcane and coffee. Most of those who dwell in the city itself are either merchants, scholars or workers in the mines and plantations in the lowlands. Water is never scarce in town, but most food must be imported from Port Peril since the local fishing and farming enterprises are meager at best.


Taxes are fairly light in the city. Citizens pay a modest yearly flat tax of 1 gold, while nobles and merchants pay a 5% income tax each year. In addition a 1 sp gate tax is charged for non-citizens who enter the city by any of the four gates. However a monthly pass can be had after a rigorous interview process and 1 gp. However there are rumors about "hot" gate passes…

Guilds and Factions

Notable Families


The Asano family is currently the most powerful house in the town of Kingfisher Hollow, now that the Thembisiles have moved most of their interests into the city. The Asano rice crops are one of the greatest sources of food in the region, and their dominance of the food import trade seals the family's continued power in the region, however, the true gem of the Asano empire is the art trade. Zenshirou and his wife Kaori have 9 children, most of who are happily entrenched in the family businesses. The notable exception is the eldest son, Zenjirou, who is known to travel with Abeni Thembisile (the beloved daughter of the family's chief rival) and Korina Laskareas.


The Andur family stood beside Stigandr during his struggles to found Talagra and the environs and was greatly adored before the fall of the Seiðhǫggva family but fell into corruption and heightening racist jingoism with every generation since then. Once they began to espouse the faith of Nergal, they were moved to the fringes of society and the line fell into decline. While one individual of this family remains, few know of his existence, and those that do agree that it is best that the line is about to die out completely.


Greve Ellaĝad Belit-Sheri was given the patent of nobility shortly after moving to Talagra 15 years ago. Immediately upon arriving to the city he gave a huge sum of money toward the restoration of several town structures, including Town Hall and the Bluecrater Academy. The grounds of Belit-Sheri's manor are amongst the most beautiful in Talagra and, as a patron of learning and friend of the poor, he is one of the most popular figures in the city. Ellaĝad has never married and has no children.


Alvis Grimarson is the patriarch of a small dwarven community just to the south of the village of Redgorge. However, he spends most of his time in the city proper looking over his import business. Alvis is gregarious and friendly in his business dealings but is taciturn and often short when questioned about his family. It is known that he has several children, but he speaks neither about them, nor about his wife. Grimarson is always accompanied by his two dwarf bodyguards, Kurt and Dellingr.


The Hlaevalsalylth family, currently led by Seherl and Mœid, is the greatest Half-Elven clan in the region, being traditionally led by a Moon Elf patriarch and a Human Matriarch. The family's plantations are responsible for the foundation of two of the area’s villages (Kingfisher Hollow and Hollowsky) and their notoriety is at least partially responsible for the current Prince's seat of power in Talagra. It was Sverre's marriage to their eldest daughter, Ileti, which earned him the power to be considered for his position. The family claims numerous other sons and daughters, as well as noble born Elves, most of who stay in the lowlands or have gone to seek their fortunes in other lands.


Lady Or'alvara Kennyrae inherited control of this house when her father and brother died in a mine explosion, and she has been loath to marry, giving up her power. She makes her home in Hollowsky, where she can better look after her interests in the area’s mines (both south of Hollowsky and in the immediate vicinity of the haunted village). At the behest of Jazmyn Yeganeh, she often sits in as a voice of reason and compassion at Talagra's council meetings. She has two younger sisters, both of whom she is very protective of.


Another of Talagra's founding families; the Lagides established the village of Lagitope, which eventually became known as the haunted village. It was Photios Lagides who originally discovered that the Talagra region was perfect for growing tea and coffee, and it was his family that established the first mines in the area. After the destruction of Lagitope, the clan moved deeper and deeper into poverty and experienced long strings of spectacular failure. By the end of the Seiðhǫggva line, House Lagides had dissolved completely and intermingled with the population. House Lagides technically still holds its patent of nobility, but there has not been a true member of the house able to claim his birthright in 400 years.


Periklis and Lena Laskareas are the current Heads of the House Laskareas, which has not yet officially been given the patent of nobility but is expected to overcome that obstacle before the end of another decade. Periklis started life as the third son of a poor weaponsmith. When he caught the eye of Lena, the only daughter of a successful Hellenic merchant, he had the chance he needed to turn the tide of his fate. With the help of his new bride, Periklis began to buy out the other weapon and armor smithies in Talagra. Coupled with the trade routes established by Lena's father the two quickly became one of the most financially influential couples in Talagra. Their only shame is their daughter Korina, who refused to take up stock in the family business and instead has taken to a life of adventuring. They are proud of their other children; a daughter, Antigoni; and a son, Iraklis.

Mac Thóm

Aibhne Mac Thóm, a paladin of Assuran, is heir to one of the city’s oldest noble families, Aibhne became a paladin after his father's death left him destitute. With the assistance of his childhood friend Jazmyn Yeganeh (now the high priestess of Talagra's Temple of Assuran), Aibhne joined the temple of Assuran with a strong (if rather flamboyant) passion. Aibhne's advancement in the church has been painfully slow, but throughout it all his devotion has remained strong.


The current Burgomaster is the sole inheritor of a powerful family which claims to have been given the patent of nobility by Stigandr Seiðhǫggva himself. The family controls large orchards North of Kingfisher Hollow, and it is rumored that they have a standing pact with the Fey in the area, which allows them to maintain their control on the rare wood trade out of the region. Even though Sverre is the last member of his line, he is not on speaking terms with his parents, who disapprove of the fact that he married into the Hlaevalsalylth family. However, it was this marriage (fruitless, currently) which brought Sverre's name to the attention of the Noble's council, and ultimately led to his appointment 13 years ago.


Lady Thurmisha Ravitharan is the only living member of this ancient house. She lives alone (discounting servants) in what is widely considered the most ostentatious display of wealth in the city, a multileveled, towered structure on Obsidian Avenue. Though she controls interest in several businesses in the region, it is known that she has little patience for them and allows most decisions to be made by subordinates. She is a very sought after bride, but the rumor-mongers of Talagra doubt if she will ever find a partner.


Stigandr Seiðhǫggva and his line was given the patent of nobility by the leadership of Ascalhorn upon his founding of Redgorge and Talagra. For 250 years or more, the Seiðhǫggva family was one of the most respected in the region, and one of the most powerful. However, shortly after the dawn of the 10th century from the raising of the standing stone, Stigandr's line came to an abrupt end when a caravan led by brothers who were the last to bear the name mysteriously disappeared.


Lord Captain Commander Torfinn Stigensen was, as is the tradition in Talagra, granted nobility for the course of his appointment. Torfinn has never had time for a wife or family, but he is still fairly young, and plans on having a family later in his life.


Lord Akande Thembisile is the inheritor of the fabulously wealthy Thembisile mines and estates. Akande is the richest man in Talagra, and now that he is a widow (his wife having recently passed away) he is also one of the most sought after men within its walls. He dotes after his daughter Abeni , who is known to travel with Korina Laskareas, and his son Temidayo, who lives in the hills north Talagra overseeing the greatest of the Thembisile mines. Temidayo is rumored to have taken a fancy to a Drow common-woman working as a mine foreman, but this story is fervently denied by Akande and his retinue.


The Vigmadals, Lord Paschalis and Lady Athansia, are the newest of Talagras nobility, having received the patent of nobility only nine years ago. The house is Talagra's answer to real-estate tycoons, and they own several important buildings and businesses in the city, including Sure Foot Livery and the Lantern Street Orphanage. The Vigmadal's eldest two sons, Pavlos and Takis, are currently attending the war college in Ahkmis, and their lone daughter, Leto, has married the son of a minor noble family in far-off Sykos. Their younger son, Theodosis (“Theo”), is known to travel with the children of several other noble families from the area.


The Cagewrights

This secret society of cruel-minded arcanists, priests, and scholars was founded over 300 years ago by a massive and deformed shator demodand named Dyr'ryd. His goal: to foster a group of like minded spellcasters and scholars dedicated to discovering a way to create a permanent portal between the prison plane of Carceri and the Material Plane that would allow the demodands to harvest inmates and slaves for the massive prisons and asylums of that realm. Dyr'ryd's not-so-secret desires to use such an accomplishment to ascend to new levels of power remained unspoken. Development of such a powerful portal would be the Cagewright's primary goal. They took to calling this event the planar junction.

The Last Laugh

A notorious thieves guild that operates in Cauldron. Their membership is numerous and they rule the underbelly of Cauldron with both a smooth tongue and an iron fist. Who leads them, where they are based and what their ultimate motives may be are not known to any but a few outside of the guild. What is known however, is that they are not a force to be taken lightly, and that there is a uneasy agreement between The Last Laugh and the Cauldron Town Guard to stay out of each other’s business. Whatever their ultimate goals lie, it is also common knowledge that, for a price, a member of The Last Laugh will do almost anything.

While most operatives obviously operate in secret, some operate in the open, and from time to time folks will be seen wearing a grinning harlequin mask or face-paint that clearly indicates that they are aligned with The Last Laugh.

The Striders of Khonsu

With the help of Lord Belit-Sheri, the Cagewrights' dark agenda has gone unnoticed by most of Talagra's townsfolk. However, their appearance in Talagra has caught the eye of lhe Striders of Khonsu -- a loosely run organization of adventurers and explorers who watch the horizons for signs of great evil and strive to preserve the balance of power in the realm. The Striders have tracked the Cagewrights to Talagra and seek to uncover their plans.

The Chisel

The Chisel is a secret organization of rich merchants and artisans. Based in the Stonemason District of Redgorge, the Chisel was founded ages ago by the same heroes who defeated Nabthatoron's original assault on the region. Descendants of these heroic colonists, most members of the Chisel are quite powerful and skilled individuals.

Although the original intent of the society was to do good for the region, the Chisel has in recent times shifted to a more selfish demeanor. Most of the Chisel's energy is now spent on improving the economic and political interests of its members. Recent events in Talagra pushed the Chisel to investigate the problems facing the city, more out of a need to protect the monetary interests of the region than out of a desire to do good.

Points of interest


Citizens of Talagra are allowed to pass through the city gates for free; visitors must pay a 1 sp gate tax each time they enter the city. A frequent visitor to Talagra can purchase a month gate pass for 1 gp after a rigorous interview process (and a DC 15 Diplomacy check). Gate passes are a hot commodity on the black market, and a no-questions-asked pass can be had for a DC 20 Gather Information check and a 2 gp bribe.


Talagra's town hall is a single-story building and one of the oldest structures in the city. The building serves as a place for the lord mayor and his advisors to hold meetings with the nobles and other movers and shakers of the city, but they don't actually live there. Records of ownership, historical documents, and similar archives can be found here. Access to these archives is possible with a DC 25 Diplomacy check, and use of them grants a +6 bonus on Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (nobility and royalty) checks. This location is patrolled regularly by a group of six 2nd-level warriors.


These buildings house the bulk of the town guard, which consists of about 750 warriors, most of whom are 2nd-level. The central area of this walled compound is used for training, and the low single-story keep is the aboveground facade for the Talagra Prison, a five-level underground facility that can hold hundreds of prisoners. Torfinn Stigensen lives in a one-story green-roofed house in the southwestern corner of the compound.

7. CHURCH OF Assuran

The two-story Church of Assuran, its white marble walls suffused with veins of vivid blue, stands in stark contrast to the buildings of bare black stone that flank it on the north end of Obsidian Avenue. A pair of white marble statues depicting armored warriors stands on either side of the temple's heavy oaken door. Each of the statues raises a great mace to the sky. Above the door's marble architrave are boldly inscribed the following words: "WITHIN LAW LIVES HOPE."

Since the church's High Priest, Stelios Dimitriakos, is on an extended visit to the port city of Sunáthüma at the start of this campaign, the day-to-day tasks of tending to the church have fallen to a cleric named Jazmyn Yeganeh. Her subordinates include two 3rd-level clerics, two 2nd-level clerics, and four ist-level clerics. All of the clerics are lawful neutral and wear amulets that display the symbol of their deity. A paladin of Assuran named Aibhne Mac Thom guards the temple and occasionally patrols the city.


Local merchant (and member of the Chisel) Maavu Ashtekar keeps several warehouses here. As with most other merchant warehouses, about 50% of the holdings here are various forms of food stores for the city that are kept and sold by the Grocer's Guild. In return for donating half his warehouse space, Maavu enjoys a greatly reduced tax rate.


The Slippery Eel is a favorite tavern for the city's miners, plantation workers, and other working-class citizens. The food and drink is cheap, and the town guard tends to ignore the place, making it a handy site for illicit deals and clandestine meetings.

Show spoiler
The reason for this is simple: a sizable hidden complex below the tavern serves as the guild-house for Talagra's largest guild of thieves-the Last Laugh.


This high-society club is a favorite place for Talagra's rich and powerful to meet and relax. Access is by invitation from a member only, and the membership list is reputed to be quite exclusive. The Cusp is owned by one of Talagra's nobles, an elven woman named Or'alvara Kennyrae who lives in Hollowsky. A trip along Obsidian Avenue Northeast reveals an ivy-covered, cross-shaped building with a circular tower that stretches as tall as lhe city walls. An engraved sign on the ironbound door says "C.o.S.- Members Only."


Maavu devotes most ofhis smaller warehouses to food storage; this location is where he keeps the majority of his actual business holdings. Maavu's primary imports are foodstuffs, entertainment, alchemical and medical supplies, books, and magic items. He sells most of his magic item imports through Sláine's Treasury. A group of six 3rd-level fighters guards this location.


Tegwen Mostyn (male Halfling expert 5), a 120-year-old halfling retired from adventuring for two decades, owns a small but well-stocked antiquity shop on Lava Avenue. "Tegwen's Old Things" specializes in nonmagical art objects gathered from across the known world. Tegwen himself has excellent commercial contacts in the capital city of Sunáthüma, and frequently buys old documents and art objects from local adventurers. Tegwen's best customers include the lord mayor himself and many nobles in Talagra (including Greve Belit-Sheri).

His shop is a two-story structure with a small flat on the upper floor and a well-organized business area on the lower. Tegwen shares the place with Lepook, an elderly and lazy blink dog that agreed to spend his old age with his "civilized" friend. Lepook keeps watch on the shop and on Tegwen as well, acting as his "conscience" when the halfling's greed rears up. The main shop itself contains an impressive assortment of less valuable antiquities, mostly vases, statuettes, small furniture, and tapestries. Tegwen keeps his most precious wares in the basement, where no fewer than thirty art objects, worth an average of 300 gp each, can be found. The door that leads down to the basement is made of steel and is locked with two masterwork locks (Disable Device DC 30) requiring different keys. Apart from the occasional trip to the Coy Nixie for a frugal meal, Tygot spends his free time writing his memoir and casting diminutive plaster replicas of Talagra's monuments (the Town Hall, the Cathedral of Hecate, the Lakeside Pavilion, etc.). He sells these replicas in his shop for 1 gp each.


Although he keeps a home in Redgorge, Maavu spends much of his time here in Talagra at his office. The modest two-story building has several meeting rooms and a bookshop on the ground floor, and a small apartment on the upper floor. Much of Maavu's energy of late has been spent keeping an eye on his biggest competitor, Alvis Grimarson, whom Maavu suspects of being involved with some form of government conspiracy to raise taxes to pad the pockets of the rich.


This is perhaps the most popular inn in the city. A regular stop for many merchants and traveling adventurers, the combination of comfortable beds, good food, and reasonable prices make it a favorite among the city's returning visitors. Each of the rooms here is decorated with a humorous painting of Talagra's legendary lake monster, a large Elder Thing. The paintings depict the Elder Thing in any number of embarrassing and ridiculous scenes, always with the Elder Thing drunk and confused, and often in incongruous locations.


This tavern is generally regarded as the best place in the city for common folk to get a drink (the Coy Nixie and the Cusp of Sunrise both hold better reputations but are generally out of the price range for the working citizen). It's a favorite place for off-duty city guards, and as such, brawls are fairly rare. The Last Laugh keeps an eye on events and developments in this tavern through the eyes and ears of one of its cooks, a man named Artus Shemwick.


This well-kept building houses the offices of Alvis Grimarson, a prominent merchant whose import of alcohol, tobacco, exotic sweets, and seafood has catapulted him to the height of success. Alvis quickly found that he enjoys this high life, and in order to ensure that he can maintain these standards of living has taken to supplementing his income by forging an alliance with the Last Laugh. He is the primary source for the Last Laugh coins being introduced into the local economy.


Numerous stores in Talagra sell magic items and gear, but only one of them makes its sole business buying and selling magic items to adventurers: Sian's Treasury. Sian Eynon (female gnome sorcerer 6) is a retired gnome adventurer who spent much of her youth exploring the catacombs and chambers below Talagra. She is quite knowledgeable about the creatures, traps, dangers, and general geography of these tunnels and is always eager to share some of her tips and knowledge with paying customers. You can use Sláine to give PCs helpful hints or bits of advice as they continue to adventure in the region. She's had enough of the adventuring lifestyle, however, and won't agree to join any new groups for any price.

Sian retired from the adventuring life nearly a decade ago when she accidentally awakened a slumbering wyvern while attempting to steal some of its treasure. The enraged wyvern managed to slay the rest of her party (including her familiar, a cat named Newt) before she managed to strike a killing blow. The experience traumatized her, and she swore never to meddle with monsters again. But adventuring was still in her blood. Sian decided to open a store that catered to other adventurers, and since that day has lived vicariously through the tales of her clientele. She still maintains a terrible fear of all dragons and has never summoned a replacement familiar for her beloved Newt.

Sian's Treasury is a modest building crafted from blocks of volcanic stone. The facade of the building bears dozens, if not hundreds, of symbols and sigils that have been carved into the face of the stone with chisels. One door and a pair of tiny windows face the road and overlook the lake below. Above the door, a sign proclaims the establishment to be Sian's Treasury, but more impressive are the numerous items of treasure- rings, coins, wands, necklaces, rods, potions, scrolls, and more-that seem to slowly orbit the sign and shine with soft golden light. Every now and then, two of the items bump against each other, ringing softly like a wind chime. The treasure orbiting the sign is a permanent ima9e that was placed there not long after Sian purchased the building to set up her business. The runes on the facade of her store are in Gnome and are in fact the names of various adventuring parties that have, throughout the years, patronized Sian's store enough that she offered them a special "Adventurer's Discount" in return for their loyalty. Some of the names include The Greenswords, The Unhumans, The Melopoioi of Demeter, and Varmint Patrol. A successful DC 20 Perception check by someone who understands Gnome notices one rune that reads, "The Last Laugh."


The orphanage rests on the corner of Lantern Street and Lava Avenue, its charcoal-colored stones held together with mold-encrusted mortar. The windows on both stories are tightly shuttered, but a few slivers of light manage to escape from within. Lanterns hang on either side of the oaken front door, mounted to which is a green copper knocker shaped like a smiling gargoyle's visage, its nostrils pierced by a copper ring. The ground floor of the orphanage is dimly lit and contains a main hall (with a staircase leading to the second floor), a kitchen with stairs leading down to a cellar pantry, a dining hall, a playroom for the children, a schoolroom, a small bathroom, and staff quarters. The second floor is divided into three rooms: a spacious bathroom with two large tubs and two large bedrooms filled with cots. One of the bedrooms currently holds 19 girls; the other room holds 31 boys.


The Coy Nixie is a high-class tavern and dancehall owned and operated by the Asanos. Although prices here tend to be nearly twice the normal asking price; the food and drink are rivaled only by the Cusp of Sunrise. These two locations have a healthy competition- while the Cusp is generally held to have better food, drink, and entertainment, there are no membership fees at the Coy Nixie.


This open pavilion is one of the oldest structures in Talagra. Said to have been formed via magic cast by Stigandr Seiðhǫggva himself, the pavilion is traditionally where the lord mayor issues announcements and decrees. It has also become a favorite place after dark for illicit meetings.


This large manor houses the members and servants of the Vigmadal family, Talagra's newest nobles. The Vigmadals are the equivalent of real estate tycoons. Less respected by the other nobles because they're self-made, they constantly look for ways to make the other nobles look bad to increase their standing among their new peers. They also own and fund the Lantern Street Orphanage. Both Vigmadals got their start on their feet: Paschalis as a runner for a messenger service and Athansia as a server at a tavern.


This low-cost inn and flophouse caters to anyone who can't afford to stay at Talagra's better inns. Prices here are 75% normal, but the owners make no guarantee against theft or loss of property. In fact, quite the opposite, as this inn is run by a struggling group of thieves known as the Alley-bashers. Pressure from the Last Laugh has forced the Alley-bashers to steal from their guests, and the place's reputation has suffered as a result. The details of the Alley-basher guild house in the basement below the inn are left to you to design, although they should be a pale shadow of whatever you come up with for the Last Laugh.


Sure-Foot Livery is the largest (and only) livestock and livestock accessory business in town. The business is run by a no-nonsense woman named Tegan Siwrdroed (female halfling expert 5).


This smithy is generally regarded as the finest such establishment in the city. Its owner, Freybjörn Guðnason (male dwarf expert 6), has long held his own against the relentless acquisition and domination of his trade by the Laskareas, and has his own skill and the loyalty of his customers to thank for the fact that he's now the only non-Laskareas smith in town. As a result, his prices are the highest in town (125% normal cost).


The church of Magni is nearly as powerful and popular in Talagra as the church of Assuran, if only because they sponsor numerous sporting events and demonstrations for the people of Talagra throughout the year. This church is currently headed by a 6th-level male Half-Orc cleric of Magni named Ariistuun Harharu. He is attended by a 5th-level cleric, two 2nd-level clerics, four 1st-level clerics, and a dozen acolytes in training (1st-level commoners).


This large walled compound is the oldest structure in the city. The traditional seat of power for the town, the estate's ownership has been held by the Norstoga family for the past 200 years. The current burgomaster, Sverre Norstoga (male human aristocrat 10), is well-liked but those close to him worry that he lacks the spine to be a true leader. His increasing reliance upon Greve Belit-Sheri advice worries them all the more.


Owned and operated by Uaitéar Ó hUiginn (male human wizard w), a retired adventurer, this' cramped shop is the go-to place in town for alchemical items and potions. At any one time, 1d6 of any potion can be found here, along with any magical dusts, elixirs, and other similar wondrous items. Uaitéar himself is a cranky old curmudgeon who has little patience for youngsters, and even less patience for anyone who tries to haggle his high prices (generally 150% normal asking price). Uaitéar is one of the highest-level wizards in Talagra and spends much of his time teaching alchemy and magical theory classes at Bluecrater Academy.


An iron sign set with a brass trumpet bangs outside the front doors, which appear newer than the rest of the building. The building's walls are made of mortared volcanic rock, and all of the windows on the ground floor have been bricked up. The windows on the second floor have solid wooden frames and panes of opaque, smoked glass. The second-story floor (first-story ceiling) is made of timber. Unless noted otherwise, all ground-floor ceilings are 10 feet high, and all second-floor areas have 15-foot-high ceilings with heavy rafters. Doors always open into rooms; a door connecting two rooms always opens into the smaller room.


This towering structure is one of the most impressive and beautiful in Talagra. The church of Hecate has always been powerful in Talagra, but not as well liked as the churches of Magni or Assuran, since the clerics of this church tend to be standoffish, curt, and even creepy. The clerics of Hecate are responsible for dealing with the unclaimed dead of Talagra and maintain vast catacombs for anyone who's rich enough to afford the burial but doesn't have a personal crypt. Most of the dead of Talagra are cremated. The cathedral is run by Euterpe Argyroti, although she rarely sees visitors and leaves the day-to-day operations to a cleric named Ibhya Iyengar. The cathedral is also staffed by a cleric named Serakh Baasiia, two 5th-level clerics, three 2nd-level clerics, seven 1st-level clerics, and ten acolytes in training (1st-level commoners).


Most of the locks in the city of Talagra were created by the proprietor of this small shop. Gwynn's Locks opens at sunrise and closes at sunset. The shop also closes for an hour around lunchtime when Celyn runs most of his errands.

Celyn charges fair prices for his locks. Although he has plenty of locks in inventory and can make an average lock in 3 days and a good lock in 5 days, he lacks the skill to make amazingly good locks {although he has a few imported from Sunáthüma for sale). The front door has three good locking mechanisms each requiring a separate key or DC 30 Disable Device check to open. The door is unlocked during work hours.


Orak's Bathhouse is a squat, windowless building of dark stone. The baths are open from noon to midnight every day.


One of the tallest buildings in Talagra, Bluecrater Academy is also the primary place of learning here. The building has five stories, each of which is dedicated to an increasing level of education. Financed partially by tuition fees (but also by the support of nobles like Lady Or'alvara Kennyrae, the Asanos, and the Thembisiles) Bluecrater Academy is where the lucky youth of Talagra go to learn a trade. The upper floors consist of extensive libraries and researchers' offices. Access to these libraries is difficult, requiring either a 2,000 gp bribe or a 500 gp membership fee along with a DC 30 Diplomacy check. Once access is gained, the books in these libraries grant a +6 circumstance bonus on Knowledge checks made with their aid.


This small yellow tower is tended by a single 4th-level male human cleric of Sol named Kristof Jurgensen. His resources are limited of late. The shrine to Sol has always been fairly small and minor in Talagra, especially since Kristof's three superiors recently died under mysterious circumstances (they were murdered by Euterpe), leaving him in charge of the entire shrine.


House Belit-Sheri is a stately, three-story manor located on Obsidian Avenue. Like many estates in Talagra, it has walls of mortared volcanic rock. However, the interior surfaces on the second and third floors (including walls, floors, and ceilings) are made of sturdy wood. In addition, Belit-Sheri has taken strides to make the house appear more "elven." The wood paneling and railings display some of the finest leaf scrollwork in Talagra, and the windows are made of glass set in light wooden frames, with lovely silver laurel designs running through the glass.


This modest shop is run by Baddon Meredith (male gnome expert 4), a cartographer who recently settled in the area. He sells maps of all manner, including regional and local maps. The PCs should be able to purchase maps of most public buildings or the region here, but Meredith makes it a strict practice to not sell maps of private businesses. He does, however, have a fair collection of treasure maps, some of which are local, and some of which might actually be legitimate. Standard maps generally cost anywhere from 2 to 20 gp, while his treasure maps are sold for 100 gp a shot (with no guarantees as to the map's validity).


This may well be Talagra's most conspicuous display of wealth. Lady Thurmisha Ravitharan has long been one of the city's wealthiest nobles. Common knowledge holds that much of her wealth is inherited, but rumor holds that she has her hands in a large number of illegal enterprises as well.


This massive manor is four stories in height and is easily the most ostentatious of Talagra's noble homes (with the possible exception of House Ravitharan). The manor is home to the fantastically rich Thembisile family.

Lord Akande Thembisile is the wealthiest noble in Talagra. He owns several mines in the nearby mountains, as well as a prominent workshop that ships exquisitely crafted obsidian furniture and knick-knacks to the indolent cities of the north. Before the trouble in Talagra really started, Lord Thembisile made contacts in the nearby city of Sunáthüma to hire an assassin to remove the lord mayor. He was forced to abandon those plans when his contact abruptly went silent (the work of the Cagewrights, who wanted a malleable person in charge of the city).


While to the untrained eye there may seem to be nothing unusual going on at this general store, its owner, Pankaj Suhktankar (male human commoner 3), has the unique honor of being the only living citizen in Talagra who has seen the Crater Lake Monster. He's always ready to tell the story of how his small fishing boat was attacked late one night and sunk by the fantastic creature several years ago. The thing bit off his leg and left one of its suckers attached to his hip. Sukhtankar's willing to show off his scars, wooden leg, and the tendril, which he's mounted on a wooden display that hangs above his counter. A successful DC 17 Knowledge (dungeoneering) check is enough to identify the tendril as a legitimate Elder Thing tendril, albeit one of unusual size. A DC 30 Knowledge (the planes) check also reveals that the Elder Thing the tendril came from was likely a half-fiend of great power.


Given another few years, the Laskareass could be inducted into Talagra's nobility. As it stands, the family is as rich as most of the other nobles, having effectively cornered the local arms and armor trade. The Laskareas manor is a sprawling structure with several training. rooms and trophy halls on its ground floor.


Numerous entrances to the caverns below Talagra exist.


NG small city

Corruption +1; Crime +1; Economy +3; Law +1; Lore +3; Society +2

Qualities academic, prosperous, strategic location, tourist attraction

Danger +5



Government Democratic autocracy

Population 7,500 (79% human, 9% halfling, 5% gnome, 3% dwarf, 2% elf, 1% half-elf, 1% others)

Main Religions Assuran, Hecate, Magni, Sol

Minor Religions Alberich, Anansi, Ancestor worship, Apsu, Gibil, Hermes, Khonsu, Vishnu

Notable NPCs

Burgomaster Sverre Norstoga (male human aristocrat 10)

Captain of the Guard Torfinn Stigensen (male human fighter 8)

Greve Ellaĝad Belit-Sheri (male Akkadian human aristocrat 7)



Base Value 6,400 gp; Purchase Limit 37,500 gp; Spellcasting 7th

Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major Items 1d6


+1 to Bluff checks made against city officials or guards and all Stealth checks made outside (but not inside buildings or underground). (From Corruption)

+1 to Sense Motive checks to avoid being bluffed and to Sleight of Hand checks made to pick pockets. (From Crime)

+3 to Craft, Perform, and Profession checks made to generate income. (From Economy)

+1 to Intimidate checks made to force an opponent to act friendly, Diplomacy checks against government officials, or Diplomacy checks made to call on the city guard. (From Law)

+3 to Diplomacy checks made to gather information and Knowledge checks made using the city's resources to do research when using a library. (From Lore)

+2 to all Disguise checks, as well as on Diplomacy checks made to alter the attitude of any non-government official. (From Society)

Founding Date
3380 SE
Alternative Name(s)
The Shackled City
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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