
Entertwining is the Väel'Nyir tradition equivalent to marriage. It is not quite the same however, as Enterwining does not necessarily mean sexual or even particularly romantic partnership. It is instead as if two halves became whole, as it is the spirits who are searching for each other, instead of the Väel'Nyirs. The spirits work as ying and yang, representing the duality of death and life, and giving the formal dues to the twins Vil'eya and Vhorr'lesh that any Spirit attuned being must give.
  These two spirits find each other over time, with small butterfly effect like events taking place to move them ever closer. But when they do meet, everyone present will bear witness to the two Väel'Nyir immediately becoming one in aura. They will forever have a spirit thread between themselves and their Entwined, and can Astrally find them via it in almost every realm and plane.


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