Vil'eya, Arbiter of Life's End

The Silent Arbiter, Gaurdian of the Veil, Harvestmoon's Whisper

Vil'eya the Judgment Deity, embodies the delicate balance between life and death. Their form is both ethereal and grounded, a paradoxical blend of otherworldly grace and earthly purpose. She and her twin brother, Vhorr'lesh are two sides of death's coin. She's seen "The End" and knows what will happen, but lives with the knowledge, never burdening others with the truth. Specializes in balance, has karmic influences, believes in the sanctity of life, mourns the needless loss of life, believes in not wasting anything, and that all death must serve a purpose. Has a final judgement ability that can be used to decide cases of murder vs self defense, or justified killing vs non. They are a hunter, but one who hunts to prevent disease or over population or over hunting, they take pride in a quick, respectful kill when they must take a life, however they also believe that those who kill for fun degrade themselves to something lower than creature.   Clad in supple leather,Vil'eya wears a tunic adorned with intricate patterns representing the cycle of existence. Their boots are silent as they move through realms, and their gloves bear the imprints of countless hands—those they’ve guided and those they’ve taken.   Hollow Form: Vil'eya’s features shift, fluid and ever-changing. They might appear as a wise elder, a fierce warrior, or a gentle healer. Their eyes hold the wisdom of ages, reflecting the pain and beauty of existence.   Otherworldly Aura: When Vil'eya walks, the ground shivers, and flowers bloom in their wake. Their footsteps echo through the veil of existence, resonating with the heartbeat of creation.     Her companion creature is an Albino Crag Scorpion named Aurelia. Even Aurelia does not know her mistress's secret, but knows the depths of her mind's pain and anguish. ○ Eyes: One eye is milky white, veiled with mystery. The other gleams crimson, a beacon of determination. Aurelia scuttles alongside Vil'eya, a silent witness to life’s final moments. ○ Purpose: Aurelia’s venom can heal or harm, depending on Vil'eya’s intent. It symbolizes the dual nature of death—the sting that ends suffering and the poison that consumes.

Divine Domains

Korir - A miderth stronghold, also known as the City of the Dead.   Harmony's Overlook - An Astral plane of existence, in relative geographic location between Korir on Miderth and the cloud veil of Aetherium's level. From this overlook, Korir is able to maintain a constantly scrying spell on many dark corners of the world. Even when she is in her most humanoid form, a portion of her mind is always up there, watching and waiting. Vil'eya roams the twilight forests of her realm, where shadows merge with light. They listen to the rustle of leaves, the heartbeat of creatures, and the fading echoes of laughter. In this liminal space, they weave destinies and honor the sanctity of life—even as they embrace its inevitable end.


• Weapons of Judgment: ○ Whip of Balance: A braided whip made from threads of light and shadow. With it, Vil'eya measures the weight of deeds, ensuring that justice prevails. ○ Bow of Compassion: The bowstring hums with empathy. Its arrows, tipped with feathers from celestial birds, can pierce illusions and reveal hidden truths.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

• Scales of Balance: These shimmering scales hang from Vil'eya’s belt. Each scale represents a soul’s deeds, their weight determining the path beyond. Vil'eya adjusts them with care, ensuring equilibrium. • Phial of Eternity: A crystal vial containing liquid starlight. When Vil'eya uncorks it, time slows, and they glimpse the tapestry of fate. The phial reminds them that every drop matters—a drop of life, a drop of death.

Tenets of Faith

1: All natural life is sacred.   2: Things that upset the natural order must be culled to retain the world's peace.   3: Creatures unwilling to uphold natural order are renouncing their divine right to life.


The Reaping - The Reaping


Family Ties

She was the final judge of the Outcast Gods, having to banish her own twin brother Vhorr'lesh to their prisons for eternity.


Vil'eya, Arbiter of Life's End

Twin Sister

Towards Vhorr'lesh - The Outcast Death God


Vhorr'lesh - The Outcast Death God

Twin Brother

Towards Vil'eya, Arbiter of Life's End


Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
• The Silent Arbiter: Vil'eya’s judgments are wordless, communicated through gestures and glances. Their silence speaks volumes. • Guardian of the Veil: They stand at the boundary between realms, guiding souls across. The veil trembles when they pass. • Harvestmoon’s Whisper: When the moon wanes, Vil'eya’s presence grows stronger. They collect souls like ripe fruit, ensuring the orchard of existence thrives.
Her/She They/Them
Vil'eya’s hair cascades like a silvery waterfall, shimmering with an otherworldly glow. Each strand seems to hold the memories of countless lives.


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