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Cel’dan Lathlin

Commander of the Crux

Cel'dan Lathlin is a tall, lithe Sun Elf. Often seen clad in dark brown and green leathers, decorated with small amounts of gold and silver adornments such as studs and clasps.   He has long blond hair, shaved at the sides and pulled back into a long braid to keep it out of his way. His eyes are a deep mossy green with glints of insight and tactical awareness, and his warm bronze skin is slightly spattered with freckles across his neck and shoulders.   He cares fiercely for the other members of the Amber Crux, having taken the position of their leader.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is incredible agile and light on his feet, moving with the grace of a predator in combat.   He is lithe in shape with only a little muscle definition, Cel'dan is seemingly built more for dexterous movement than heavy lifting.

Facial Features

He has a small scar which cuts into his left eyebrow.

Special abilities

Detecting Portals:

Cel'dan is able to sense the presence of planar portals within 1 mile of his location.  

Stepping Beyond the Ethereal:

His studies of extraplanar threats and entities have given him an insight into how to temporarily slip between the barriers of the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane.  

Keen Duellist:

The Commander of the Amber Crux is renown for his martial prowess when it comes to close combat duels and swordsmanship, often only wielding his Elven crafted longsword in battle.

Apparel & Accessories

He is often clad in dark brown and green studded leathers, boots and gloves; accompanied by a long well made cloak of high quality fabric.   He has a Holy Symbol of Corellon strapped to the hilt of his longsword, and wears a starburst ring on the middle finger of his right hand.   Cel'dan wears a plain leather woven necklace which has two plain but well polished gold rings hanging from it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During the tumultuous times of the Dungeon War, Cel'dan was working as a scout in a small mercenary company known as the Jaunting Steps, along side his long term friend Ju’huel Terrne, and his husband, a Forest Gnome called Allyn Sindri.   After an unknown amount of time and undisclosed reasons, towards the end of the Dungeon War, Cel'dan and Ju'hule were no longer affiliated with the Jaunting Steps and set up their own mercenary company with new companion, Divalin, calling their band: the Amber Crux.


Cel'dan has been a mercenary of some form or another for the majority of his life, having little desire to settle in one place the lifestyle gives him the freedom to wander and explore as he so desires.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Forming the Amber Crux.


Showing cowardice when stood between innocent lives and on coming danger.

Personality Characteristics


The protection of The Empire of the Rune Keepers and maintaining the safety of his family.

Likes & Dislikes

He enjoys visiting Oghma during the Annual Harvest.

Vices & Personality flaws

Cel'dan is often the first to admit that he is not much of a people person, he can come across as brash and rude due to his desire to skip formalities and simply deal with the problem at hand.


Contacts & Relations

Formerly a member of the Jaunting Steps mercenary company.

Family Ties

Husband: Allyn Sindri, a Forest Gnome - status unknown.

Religious Views

Follower of Corellon Larethian predominantly, but will say prayers to many of the Elven Pantheon.
Chaotic Good
Current Status
On a mission
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Commander of the Crux
Current Residence
Almond Shape; Green
Shoulder length braid, blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm Bronze
Quotes & Catchphrases
I believe in my family, not because they are infallible, but because they never give up.
Corellon Larethian
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Abyssal; Common; Elvish; Deep Speech; Draconic