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Ju’huel Terrne

Lieutenant Ju’huel Terrne (a.k.a. Joker)

Ju'huel Terrne is a very handsome Moon Elf. Fairly tall for an Elf, but also very lithe and agile, he can often be seen clad in sleeveless brown and green leather armour.   He has long black hair, often styled with several thin woven braids which are drawn back to keep the his locks out of his face. His eyes are a pale silvery-grey and often glint with mischief and wit, and his pastel blue skin is reminiscent of bluebell petals.   Ju'huel has a very playful personality, often one to make jokes and be the butt of them in equal measure. But once a job has been taken and the hunt is on, his focus is almost unrivalled.   Among the other members of the Amber Crux Ju'huel's battle prowess has earned him respect, and given his position as a founding member, his position as Lieutenant is unquestioned.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Agile and light on his feet, Ju'huel uses his lithe mobility to keep far from the clutches of the enemies he fights, preferring to deal with them at a distance.

Body Features

Multiple scars that can be found all over his body. These were gained through his battles with monsters of both the humanoid and wild kinds.

Facial Features

A single scar which crosses the middle of his face. It starts under the right eye, crosses the bridge of his nose and finishes under the left eye.

Special abilities

Hunter's Sense:

Ju'huel is capable of analysing the creatures he fights in order to learn their weaknesses and how best to hunt it.  

Defence Against the Supernatural:

His training and studies of monsters from all walks of life all him some additional resilience against their assaults against his mind and body.  


The Lieutenant of the Crux is known for his adept marksmanship and ability to make impossible shots, often seen wielding just a longbow on the battlefield.

Apparel & Accessories

He is often clad in dark brown and green studded leathers, boots and archery gloves; often accompanied by well fitting bracers and beautiful boots adorned with small fluttering opalescent wings.   Ju'huel has a Holy Symbol of Sehanine which he wears on a long silver chain around his neck.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Long term friends with Cel’dan Lathlin, the pair formerly worked alongside one and other as part of a small mercenary company known as the Jaunting Steps.   After an undisclosed amount of time, towards the end of the Dungeon War, Cel'dan decided to leave the Jaunting Steps, and having always been the man to have his back in a fight, Ju'huel easily decided to leave with him. Together, setting out to find new fortune and adventure, they eventually encountered a fellow Elf named Divalin.   Taking Divalin under their wing, and realising that together their trio could make something of an impact in the The Empire of the Runekeepers with their mixture of abilities and skillsets, they decided to create their own mercenary band, calling it: the Amber Crux.


Ju'huel has been a mercenary for many years of his long life, taking pleasure in working for coin and the nomadic style of life that comes with it.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Co-founding the Amber Crux with Cel'dan.   Despite being a dedicated Monster Hunter and mercenary, one of the stories Ju'huel is known to tell most frequently, is how he once crossed paths with a dragon, not only surviving the encounter but actually befriending and conversing with the creature. According to his tales, the dragon named itself "Gaindryss".

Morality & Philosophy

Hates to see a creature in suffering and would move to bring about a swift end.

Personality Characteristics


The protection of The Empire of the Rune Keepers and maintaining the safety of his family.

Likes & Dislikes

He enjoys a good tankard of mead and a simple bed beneath the stars.

Vices & Personality flaws

His playful personality can sometimes be seen as childish.   Ju'huel can come across as ruthless under certain circumstances.


Contacts & Relations

Formerly a member of the Jaunting Steps mercenary company.

Religious Views

Ju'huel is a devoted follower of the Lunar Lady, Sehanine.


He is always the first to break the ice by attempted to make a joke.
Lawful Good
Current Status
On a mission.
Current Residence
Long, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pastel blue
Quotes & Catchphrases
The sweetness of victory is divine, like honey. I can already taste it.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common; Draconic, Elvish, Sylvan.