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Clan Shadowtalon

Clan Shadowtalon are one of the Great Clans of The Dragonlands, they are known for their mastery of stealth and espionage, as well as their belief that knowledge is power, especially when obtained through secretive means.


Clan Shadowtalon thrives in the shadows. Stealth, information gathering, and subtle manipulation are their strongest attributes. The clan is known for its focus on intelligence and espionage, with most members trained in stealth, infiltration, and diplomacy. Members of Clan Shadowtalon are discreet and value patience, cunning, and secrecy.   They prize subtlety and precision in both combat and politics, often influencing events from behind the scenes rather than taking direct action. Honour, to them, is not about brute force but about achieving goals without ever being seen. They have a complex code of conduct built around loyalty to the clan and its objectives, but they value flexibility in moral decisions when it comes to outsiders.   Clan Shadowtalon has a secretive internal structure, and only the most trusted members are privy to the clan's true goals or the extent of its influence. Outsiders often view them with suspicion, but none can deny the value of the clan’s intelligence network.

Public Agenda

Officially, Clan Shadowtalon positions itself as a protector of Rokthorl and its people, leveraging their intelligence-gathering capabilities to root out crime, prevent uprisings, and monitor political threats. However, it is widely suspected that they use this network for personal gain and to maintain control over important political and social assets within the city. They publicly support law and order and often contribute vital information to the city’s rulers.   Secretly, they strive to consolidate power by ensuring they have the upper hand in all major political and economic decisions in Rokthorl, often influencing other clans and houses to maintain their own prominence.


The Talon Network: An expansive intelligence network that spans the Dragonlands and beyond, specialising in information collection, espionage, and covert operations. This network includes spies, informants, and mercenaries.   The Midnight Vault: A secret repository of sensitive documents, hidden treasures, and blackmail material. Only the highest-ranking members of Clan Shadowtalon know its true location and contents.   Infiltration Teams: Shadowtalon maintains several highly skilled squads that specialise in covert missions, including sabotage, assassinations (when needed), and intelligence extraction.


Clan Shadowtalon’s origins are steeped in mystery, much like the clan itself. It is said that they rose to prominence in Rokthorl during The First War of the Sands, where their spies and infiltrators played a key role in sabotaging the enemy’s efforts, allowing the city to gain the upper hand in many engagements. Since then, they have quietly but steadily increased their influence, often staying out of the public eye but always ensuring that they hold critical pieces of information.   Zyren Shadowtalon, a master infiltrator and tactician, is remembered for consolidating the clan’s power during The Battle of the Bloodfields by feeding critical intelligence to Rokthorl’s leadership, helping secure a decisive victory. His efforts led to the clan being granted key political roles within the city, cementing their place among Rokthorl's elite.

Foreign Relations

Alliance with Clan Emberclaw: Shadowtalon and Clan Emberclaw maintain a strong alliance, with Emberclaw often relying on Shadowtalon’s intelligence network to gain the upper hand in their business dealings. In exchange, Emberclaw provides financial backing and supplies to support Shadowtalon’s covert operations.   Tension with Clan Ironscale: Clan Ironscale often views Shadowtalon’s methods with disdain, believing them to be dishonourable and underhanded. Shadowtalon, in turn, sees Ironscale as brutish and rigid, unable to adapt to the complexities of modern politics. Despite their differences, the two clans have collaborated when necessary, though always with a degree of suspicion.   Neutrality with Clan Brightflame: Shadowtalon maintains a neutral stance with Clan Brightflame, understanding that their diplomatic efforts can sometimes serve as valuable cover for their own dealings. While they don’t share a close relationship, they do occasionally exchange favours in the political arena.   Rivalry with Clan Stormclaw: There is an ongoing rivalry with Clan Stormclaw, whose members pride themselves on direct action and physical prowess. Shadowtalon sees them as reckless and predictable, while Stormclaw views Shadowtalon’s subtlety as cowardly. The two clans have clashed politically multiple times, particularly over military strategies and control of key locations in Rokthorl.

The Shadows See All

Geopolitical, Clan
Family Leader
The Blackwing Hall: The main headquarters of Clan Shadowtalon, hidden within the dense streets of Rokthorl. Outwardly, it appears as a simple estate, but its underground chambers serve as a meeting point for the clan’s operatives and strategists. It is also rumoured to contain secret passageways leading to critical locations throughout the city.   The Nightshade Tavern: An innocuous tavern on the outskirts of Rokthorl, known for being a popular hangout for travellers and merchants.
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