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Corellon Larethian (kor-el-un la-RETH-ee-an)

Creator of Elves

The patron god of all Elves, as the creator; the preserver and the protector of the Elven people, he is above all others in the Seldarine as he sits as its leader and advisor. Governing the things held in the highest esteem by Elven culture, he is a master of magic; music; arts; crafts; poetry and warfare.   As the personification of all things Elven, Corellon is many things at the same time: a warrior and a poet; a mage and a bard; a lover and a fighter; a male and a female. Over the years he has settled upon the aspect of a male Elf of golden skin and hair, but he retains the ability to shift between male and female forms at will.   Corellon's wife and consort among the Seldarine is Angharradh, though his affection extends to all three of her aspects as well.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Light


Sahandrian, a glittering longsword.   Amlath'hana, a longbow capable of hitting targets up to 1 mile away.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A crescent moon

Tenets of Faith

Among Corellon's worshipers are Elves, Eladrin and their descendants, as well as many who are bardically inspired. His clerics often wear silver circlets and gossamer robes of the brightest azure.


Everdawn is the holy day celebration of the creation of Elvenkind by their Father, Corellon. It is a day of vast celebration where those Elves who are capable often wander open temporary rifts to the Feywild so that they might celebrate with their close cousins, the Eladrin. The holiday takes place on the eve Midsummer.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The eternal protection of the Elvenkind, the recovery of long abandoned Elven relics, and the guiding of Elves towards their perfected state as they are reincarnated upon death.   In particular the Fellowship of the Forgotten Flower is a loosely structured organization made of Elven knights or Elven warriors dedicated to the recovery of lost Elven relics from long abandoned realms. They are most often found assisting the clerics of Sehanine Moonbow with the same goal.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the God:

Despite his ability to shift between male and female forms, Corellon often appears in the form of an androgynous male Sun Elf, with long golden blond locks of hair; bronze skin and azure blue eyes. With a lithe build and preternatural beauty, he stands at seven foot tall and displays exceptional speed, reflects and grace.
Divine Classification
God of the Seldarine
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ruler of All Elves, Creator of Elves, Father of Elvenkind, First of the Seldarine, Preserver of Life, The Protector.


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