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Sehanine Moonbow (SEH-ha-neen MOON-bo)

The Lunar Lady

The Lunar Lady, the Elven Goddess of death; divination; dreams; journeys and the moon, she stands as one of the most powerful female members of the Seldarine.   Sehanine is very protective towards Elves, often sending omens to keep her people from danger; crafting illusions around Elven hideouts and guiding them on their paths.   She has a deep set hatred of undead, and many who follow her take up the mantle of destroying such beings in her name. She is intolerant towards necromancy in general, though makes exceptions for necromancy magic designed to aid instead of harm.   Among the Lunar Lady's enemies are the likes of Cyric; Gruumsh, the Queen of Air and Darkness, Lolth and Shar.   While she is opposed to the Dark Seldarine, Eilistraee is the only exception, whom Sehanine considers an adopted daughter.   Somewhat aloof and apart from the world, she tends to communicate through dreams and visions instead of direct speech.   While stated to be one of the most powerful members of the Seldarine, her power waxes and wanes with the phases of the moon. At her most powerful beneath the full moon, weakened beneath a new moon or one which is fully eclipsed, and almost entirely powerless during daytime.   As many Elven people believe in reincarnation, it is believed that along side Corellon Larethian, Sehanine is one of the Gods who guide Elves to their end point of perfection after death.   Along side Aerdrie Faenya and Hanali Celanil, Sehanine acts as one of the aspects of Angharradh, but is no less worshipped as a separate entity as well as part of the whole.

Divine Domains

Death, Knowledge


The Moonshaft, a beautiful quarterstaff with multiple unique abilities related to its use.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A full moon beneath a moonbow

Tenets of Faith

The church of Sehanine is often clouded in mystery, and little is known about its secretive hierarchy. Her clerics are seers and mystics of Elven society and serve as spiritual counsellors to Elves and Half-Elves who seek to embark on journeys in search of enlightenment so as to transcend their current state of being.   As shepherds and protectors of the dead, Sehanine's clerics organize and administer funeral rites and guard the remains of the fallen. They seek out and destroy undead creatures, for Sehanine holds such creatures (with some exceptions) to be blasphemous.   As defenders of the Elven homelands and forests, Sehanine's clergy are responsible for weaving and maintaining the illusions which guard those sanctuaries that remain, and for divine potential threats to their continued existence.   A prime task of adventuring clerics is the retrieval of lost arcane and magical knowledge, especially if it pertains to illusions or divinations. Others seek out isolated Elven enclaves and Clans, bringing them news of the world outside the forests.


Sehanine's faithful celebrate a wide variety of holy days, all tied to the various phases of the phases of the moon and various types of eclipses. Many of these celebrations occur once per decade, once per century or even one per millennium.   The most frequent celebration of Sehanine's faithful are held monthly beneath the light of the full moon.  Lunar Hallowings, as such holy days are known, are marked with personal meditation and collective entrance into a communal trance.   On occasion, Sehanine manifests through her assembled worshipers, knitting together their spirits in a true sharing of minds. Such holy days are concluded with a joyous freeform dance beneath the most visible manifestation of the moon that lasts until the first rays of dawn.   Once per year, Sehanine's faithful gather on the night of the Feast of the Moon, for the Mystic Rites of the Luminous Cloud. Similar in many ways to the monthly Lunar Hallowings, these rites are notable for the visible manifestation of Sehanine, whereby the assembled worshipers are transformed into shimmering, silvery light that lifts up and darts across the heavens. During such mystical flights across the sky, the sacred mysteries of Sehanine are revealed to the participants, with each participant learning secrets appropriate to his or her current level of spiritual development. The ceremony concludes when the nimbus of light returns to the earth and the forms of Sehanine's worshipers coalesce.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the Goddess:

In her avatar form, Sehanine looks like a five foot tall, youthful, ageless female Elf. With pristine pale skin, unblemished aside from a faint cluster of silvery freckles across her nose, which appear to reflect one of the many constellations in the skies above. Her piercing blue eyes glitter with starlight, and almost seem to have moonbows faintly shining from her pupils.   Her hair is waist length, platinum blond in colour and often swept into a half-up-half-down style of elegant braids and decorative gems which look like captured stars.   She is clad in a diaphanous gown, which looks like it has been made of moonbeams and starlight. During wartimes, these gowns are replaced by silver chainmail interwoven with shifting moonlight infused thread.
Divine Classification
Goddess of the Seldarine
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Daughter of the Night Skies, Goddess of the Moonlight, Lady of Dreams, The Luminous Cloud, The Lunar Lady, Moonlit Mystery, The Mystic Seer

Articles under Sehanine Moonbow


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