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House Drakewind

House Drakewind is a noble family renowned for its mastery of wind magic and strategic acumen in logistics and trade. Known as the "Masters of the Winds," the house has developed and maintained key supply routes across the Dragonlands, ensuring that goods and information flow smoothly between the cities. Their alleged ability to manipulate wind, weather, and navigation has given them a competitive edge in commerce, making them a vital part of the Dragonlands’ economy. Despite their wealth, they maintain a pragmatic and disciplined lifestyle, valuing efficiency and precision in all matters.


House Drakewind's culture is deeply rooted in discipline, strategy, and pragmatism. They train their members in both the magical arts, particularly those related to wind and weather, and practical skills in trade, logistics, and commerce. Precision and foresight are core values, and every action is calculated for maximum efficiency. Although not overly social, the family holds intellectual pursuits in high regard, and members are encouraged to develop strategic and tactical thinking.

Public Agenda

House Drakewind seeks to solidify its control over the trade routes and supply lines throughout the Dragonlands. They are also heavily involved in diplomacy, using their logistical expertise to mediate and resolve conflicts between other houses, especially in matters of commerce and resource management. Publicly, they aim to maintain stability in the region, ensuring that the flow of goods, particularly stone, ore, and other vital materials, continues without disruption.


  • Drakewind Trading Fleet: While no longer mastering the seas, House Drakewind maintains a vast network of land-based caravans and trade routes, ensuring swift and reliable transport of goods across the Dragonlands.
  • Wind Mages: The house employs skilled wind mages who use their talents to assist in both trade and communication, speeding up transport or ensuring messages arrive quickly and safely.
  • Warehouses and Trade Posts: In Alonharl and several other key cities, House Drakewind controls a series of warehouses and trade posts that are central to the distribution of goods across the empire.
  • History

    House Drakewind began as a merchant family, rising to prominence through their mastery of wind magic, which allowed them to dominate the flow of trade across the Dragonlands. It is rumoured that in ancient times, they were once connected to sea trade but adapted when naval knowledge was lost, pivoting their focus to overland routes after landing in Eternium. Their strategic use of weather magic, combined with their shrewd economic sense, allowed them to outcompete rivals, cementing their place among the Dragonlands' noble houses. One notable figure in their history is Lyren Drakewind, who established the first wind-controlled land caravan, allowing goods to move rapidly between distant cities and earning the house its wealth and prestige.

    Foreign Relations

  • Alliance with House Brightscale: House Drakewind has close ties with House Brightscale, providing logistical support for their diplomatic missions and maintaining peace across the Dragonlands.
  • Neutral with Clan Stonefury: While House Drakewind respects Clan Stonefury’s strong martial traditions, they keep their distance, as their focus on magic and commerce doesn’t align with Stonefury’s militaristic approach.
  • Rivalry with House Flamescale: A subtle rivalry exists between House Drakewind and House Flamescale, as both houses have sought to control the flow of certain valuable trade routes. Though not open enemies, tensions simmer beneath the surface as both vie for dominance in key economic areas.
  • The Winds Obey The Wise

    Geopolitical, Great house
  • Drakewind Trade Halls: Located in Alonharl, this serves as the nerve centre of their operations, where all of their logistical and trading endeavours are coordinated. The building is fortified and well-protected, holding both valuable trade records and magical artefacts.
  • Windspire Tower: A tower located on the outskirts of Alonharl where House Drakewind's wind mages train and practice their craft. It is said that the winds themselves answer to those within the tower, giving the house their strategic advantage.
  • Location
    Controlled Territories
    Related Species