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House Firewing

House Firewing is renowned for their innovations in crafting mechanical and magical siege engines, which has cemented their place as a significant military asset in the Dragonlands. Their creations, from ballistas to war constructs, are sought after across the empire, and they have contributed heavily to the defense of Alonharl itself. Known for their foresight and precision, House Firewing is viewed as one of the more progressive noble houses, always seeking to improve the Dragonlands’ defenses and infrastructure.


House Firewing has a culture of discipline, innovation, and loyalty to the empire. Every member is expected to contribute to the house’s advancement in some way, whether through technological development, arcane research, or strategic planning. They are a highly organized house, priding themselves on their attention to detail and their ability to think several steps ahead. The house also places great value on education and mastery of both traditional and modern methods of warfare. Respect for their elders and ancestors who built their legacy is deeply ingrained into their traditions.

Public Agenda

House Firewing's public agenda focuses on expanding the military might of the Dragonlands, not through brute force, but by creating advanced war machines and defense systems. They advocate for continual modernisation of the military and the city's defenses, arguing that innovation is key to securing the future of the empire. They are also heavily invested in fortifying the walls of Alonharl and ensuring the city remains impervious to any external threat.


  • Firewing Foundries: House Firewing operates several foundries within Alonharl, where they manufacture siege engines, ballistas, and magical constructs.
  • Arcane Research Halls: These facilities are used to experiment with magical technologies, blending arcane arts with mechanical engineering to create more efficient and deadly devices for war.
  • War Constructs: House Firewing has several prototypes of magical war constructs that they have designed and deployed in battle. These automaton warriors serve as a symbol of the house’s technological prowess.
  • History

    House Firewing rose to prominence during The Battle of the Bloodfields where their then-head, Harak Firewing, introduced the first fire-powered siege engine that turned the tide of the battle. This innovation earned the house great respect and brought them to the forefront of military strategy. Over the years, they expanded their expertise into arcane engineering, blending magic and machinery to further enhance their creations. While some questioned the ethics of their experiments, no one could deny the effectiveness of their contributions. Their siege engines were also integral during The Battle of the Red Plains, where they crushed enemy defenses and secured a decisive victory for The Dragonlands.

    Foreign Relations

  • Alliance with House Emberclaw: House Firewing maintains a strong relationship with House Emberclaw due to their shared interest in crafting and forging. While Emberclaw focuses on traditional weapons, Firewing complements their work with magical siege machinery.
  • Rivalry with House Ironclaw: There is a rivalry between House Firewing and House Ironclaw, stemming from both houses' ambitions to dominate the military supply of the Dragonlands. Firewing's focus on magical and mechanical warfare often clashes with Ironclaw's traditional methods and emphasis on physical strength.
  • Respect for Clan Ironscale: House Firewing holds Clan Ironscale in high regard for their expertise in defense and fortifications. The two occasionally collaborate on improving Alonharl’s walls and defensive structures, combining Ironscale’s craftsmanship with Firewing’s advanced technologies.
  • We Forge The Flame Of Progress

    Geopolitical, Great house
  • The Forge of Wings: The largest and most advanced foundry in Alonharl, specializing in producing mechanical and magical war machines.
  • The Ember Academy: A research institution where House Firewing’s brightest minds study arcane engineering and develop new forms of siege weaponry.
  • The Firewing Bastion: A heavily fortified estate on the outskirts of Alonharl, where the house trains their engineers and warriors alike.
  • Location
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