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House Grimscale

House Grimscale is a relatively young noble house, known primarily for its tight control over the city sanitation systems of The Dragonlands, utilizing Kobold labour for their operations. While the work is often looked down upon by other noble houses, House Grimscale has amassed considerable wealth and influence through their management of these services. They hold an unusual position in Dragonborn society, maintaining close associations with Kobolds—whom they treat as property, though they are known for treating their "workers" slightly better than most other houses. The Grimscales have built their power by embracing this niche, taking pride in running a service that, while unglamorous, keeps the cities functioning smoothly.


House Grimscale’s culture revolves around duty, discipline, and control. They pride themselves on their ability to take on tasks that others find beneath them and turn those tasks into sources of wealth and influence. Loyalty is highly valued within the house, and they expect the same from their Kobold workers, who are treated as resources to be managed rather than individuals. The house has a strong sense of order and hierarchy, mirroring the structure they impose on the cities through their work. Their Dragonborn members see themselves as the unseen but essential force behind the cleanliness and order of The Dragonlands’ urban centres.

Public Agenda

House Grimscale’s official stance is one of responsibility—keeping the cities of The Dragonlands clean and operational through their management of sanitation and public maintenance. They present themselves as humble stewards of the realm’s infrastructure, taking on the necessary tasks that other houses avoid.


  • A vast workforce of Kobolds, organised into various labour groups responsible for maintaining sanitation, repairing streets, and managing other menial tasks across major Dragonborn cities.
  • Control over Rokthorl’s extensive sewer systems and public infrastructure.
  • Contracts with the Empire and other noble houses, making House Grimscale indispensable for the smooth running of many cities.
  • Ownership of several training camps where Kobolds are prepared for their roles in the sanitation system.
  • History

    House Grimscale was founded less than 150 years ago by Kaelin Grimscale, a low-ranking Dragonborn who saw an opportunity in the Empire’s lack of organized city sanitation. At first, the house was ridiculed for taking on what was considered a menial task, but Kaelin’s foresight paid off as he built a monopoly over the management of urban infrastructure. By utilizing the large population of Kobolds, House Grimscale grew wealthy and indispensable, earning a place among the lesser noble houses. Over the years, they have continued to expand their control, slowly turning what was once considered dirty work into a key pillar of Dragonborn society.

    Foreign Relations

    House Grimscale maintains a practical relationship with other houses, especially those that rely on them for infrastructure management. They have a strong working relationship with House Stonehammer, known for its expertise in construction, as they often collaborate on city projects. While they keep a low profile socially, they hold a neutral stance with most houses, seeing themselves as indispensable service providers rather than political players. However, some houses, like House Brightscale, view them with disdain due to their reliance on Kobold labor, while others, like House Blackclaw, respect their ability to manage such a large and complex operation efficiently.

    Order from the Shadows, Strength in the Dirt.

    Court, Noble
  • Grimscale Manor, located in the heart of Rokthorl, serves as the administrative hub for House Grimscale’s operations. The manor itself is austere compared to other noble houses, reflecting their practical nature.
  • The Cisterns, an underground complex of tunnels and chambers beneath Rokthorl, used as a central hub for their sanitation operations and Kobold labour camps.
  • Kobold Barracks, a series of housing complexes for Kobold workers, which are managed by House Grimscale and serve as both homes and training grounds for their workforce.
  • Location
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