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House Havenblood

House Havenblood is a relatively young noble family, having risen to prominence for their role in managing death-related services within The Dragonlands. They oversee the largest network of morticians, undertakers, and those responsible for performing sacred rites of death. In a society where life is fiercely valued, House Havenblood ensures that death is treated with the same reverence, especially for noble families. Their methods are meticulous, and their influence is felt in every major city, where they handle both the practical and spiritual aspects of death with quiet dignity.


House Havenblood fosters a culture of reverence, precision, and quiet dignity. Members of the house are trained from a young age to approach death with respect and calmness, ensuring that even in times of sorrow, order is maintained. The house emphasizes a deep connection to tradition, particularly in performing ancient rites of death and maintaining the sanctity of crypts and burial grounds. They also believe in the spiritual significance of death, viewing it as a final journey that requires as much care as life itself.

Public Agenda

House Havenblood's primary agenda is to maintain the sanctity of death and ensure that all citizens of The Dragonlands, particularly nobility, are given proper funerary rites. They also work to expand their network of morticians and death-related services, ensuring that every death is handled with the utmost care and reverence. The house campaigns for the protection of burial sites and necropolises, ensuring that these sacred places remain undisturbed by the living.


  • The Hall of Final Rites, a grand mausoleum and funeral parlour in Alonharl where noble families come to have their deceased prepared for burial.
  • The Haven Crypts, an extensive network of catacombs beneath Alonharl, reserved for the nobility and maintained by House Havenblood.
  • A network of morticians and funeral homes across The Dragonlands, ensuring that death is handled uniformly and respectfully across all regions.
  • Ritualists and priests who specialize in the sacred rites of death, employed by noble families to oversee funerary ceremonies.
  • History

    House Havenblood was formed less than two centuries ago, initially as a minor family overseeing burials and mortuary rites in the city of Alonharl. Their rise to nobility came when the ruling nobility recognized their impeccable service during a period of plague and conflict, where death was ever-present. The house’s dedication to honouring the dead, particularly those of noble lineage, earned them their current status. Over time, they expanded their services to include the spiritual and ritualistic aspects of death, becoming the primary overseers of noble funerary practices.

    Foreign Relations

  • House Grimscale: House Havenblood has a practical alliance with House Grimscale, who manage the cleaning and maintenance of the cities. They work together to ensure that burial sites and crypts remain undisturbed and that the rituals associated with death are treated with respect.
  • House Ironflame: House Havenblood works closely with House Ironflame in times of plagues or major conflicts, providing post-mortem services while Ironflame handles the care of the living.
  • House Stonehammer: House Havenblood values Stonehammer’s stoic nature and solid construction methods, relying on them to build and maintain the crypts and burial sites with utmost precision and durability.
  • Even in Death, We Stand Vigil.

    Court, Noble
  • The Haven Crypts: Beneath Alonharl lie the grand catacombs managed by House Havenblood, housing the remains of generations of nobles.
  • The Tomb of the First Flame: A revered resting place for the Dragonborn nobility, located near Alonharl, where House Havenblood oversees the eternal flames said to guard the souls of the dead.
  • Sanctuary of Still Waters: A tranquil garden in Alonharl, designed by House Havenblood as a place for mourning and reflection, used by both commoners and nobility.
  • Location
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