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(a.k.a. Tamara)

Kaibis is a beautiful and sophisticated Eladrin woman.   She works as the Madam of the Tamara's Tassels, under her stage name "Tamara" and is well respected as a kind and gentle woman who takes excellent care of her staff and customers alike, she is bardically inspired, and can often be found singing or playing the harp for her client's entertainment during the evenings.   There is much more to this Eladrin than appearances first suggest, she has a curious history to be shared only with those who gain her upmost trust.

Physical Description

Body Features

Kaibis is a very beautiful Eladrin woman, with a short but curvaceous figure accentuated by the revealing clothing she wears. Though she is always fully covered, she knows how to make herself more alluring, one too many buttons being undone or her skirt being angled in just the right way to show too much thigh.   She has bright, apple green coloured eyes, almond shaped and pupiless. Which is complimented by her pale minty green skin which is faintly freckled across her face and shoulders. Her shoulder length green hair with a wild wave of luxurious texture.   She stands at just 5"2 in height, and weighs little over 130lbs.

Identifying Characteristics

Prosthetic left leg.

Special abilities

Fey Step   High Charisma   Bardic Talents

Apparel & Accessories

When working the bar, Kaibis dons a crisp white linen shirt with just one too many buttons undone, a find tan coloured corset laced at the front, a beautiful layered velvet skirt in shades of green, and knee high leather boots with pronounced soles which clack loudly on the floor.   When on stage, performing as Tamar, she instead wears dark blues and blacks, or occasional reds. These outfits are always knee length dresses decorated with lace and force to floof out due to excessive numbers of frilly underskirts which make her performances all the more suggestive.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the Feywild with her sister Julianna, the pair arrived in Meridian some years ago and immediately made an impact and captured attention.   When her sister caught the attention of Eudor Laeryn and began moving up in the world, the pair had an argument which their relationship has never fully recovered from.


Kaibis is bisexual and polyamorous.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Making a success of the brothel with next to no business experience.   Making a good life for herself on the Material Plane.

Mental Trauma

Though neither speak of it often, some are aware that Kaibis and her sister fled the Feywild after a clash with the Unseelie Court. During their escape, Kaibis lost her leg.

Morality & Philosophy

She does what she does because she loves it, doing it for any other reason is a pointless waste of everyone's time.


Disrespecting her or her workers.   Her staff not enjoying their work.   Speaking of the Unseelie Court.

Personality Characteristics


She enjoys her place of work, and dedicates herself to giving other likeminded individuals a safe and secure place to work.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes wine, smoking her pipe, dancing, singing and performing for her clients.   Dislikes disrespect towards her workers and establishment.

Vices & Personality flaws

She drinks and smokes just a little too much.


Family Ties

Sister: Julianna Laeryn   Brother-in-Law: Eudor Laeryn

Religious Views

She is an eternal follower of the Seelie Court, but since coming to the Material Plane, she has found Slaanesh of the Trickster Court also interests her, based on her excessive drinking, smoking and pleasurable pursuits.


She flits between flirty, alluring and excitably joyful so quickly it can be hard to keep up.
Current Location
Current Residence
Bright green, almond shaped, pupilless
Shoulder length, wavy, leaf green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale mint green, freckles
Seelie Court; Slannesh
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Sylvan, Draconic
Ruled Locations