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Rapan is located to the south of Vigaris  and is home to the largest section of Fertile land within the Dwarven Kingdom. Rapan itself is a odd village that is home to mostly guards provided by the EarthGuard Clan due to Rapan being mainly used for vast storing of huge amount of Harvest they reap. This over time is mostly transported to Vigaris to then be re-disrupted however it is easier for the farmers surronding Rapan to store it safely here. Rapan is home to many grain silos owned by the surronding farming communities/families. Clan OnyxBrewer and Oxentail have large investment in the area and due to the large area that is in need of defending they both purchase large amount of armed individuals to protect it. Most of the Villagers live far and wide in the surronding countryside tending to every square inch of fertile land. This has made Rapan a good source of work for the The Adventurer's Guild and any mercenaries due to the large incursion of beasts and bandits seeking a opportunity with livestock and undefended homesteads. The Village centre of Rapan is hardly ever visited by outsiders or travellers due to it being made illegal by the Clans for produce to be sold. This means that most people bypass Rapan entirely and head toward a different village or onto the city. At times desperate Caravans may stop at Rapan to rest or to recruit more Mercenaries for the journey back to their respected Kingdom. Rapan is governed by no official but rather a few appointed leaders of the military surrounding the area. The current leaders are a Captain hired by Earthguard to oversee the defence contracted by them, Captain hired by the Onyxbrewer Clan, Captain hired by Oxentail Clan and a self-appointed Mercenary Captain who overlooks all the contracts to ensure they are fair, upheld and the jobs of said mercenaries have been completed. This mercenary captain takes a cut from their contracts to act as a advocate and all Mercenaries respect this captain.     The Grand Silos   The grand Silos are a collection of grain silos as well as warehouses that store all of the food from the surrounding countryside. Three Silos are allocated to Clan OnyxBrewer, Clan Oxentail and Clan Earthguard. Clan EarthGuard Silo is mainly used to store food that is given as payment from local farmers and is normally used or sent off to surrounding military operations of Clan Earthguard. The other silos are mainly constructed and maintained by the families and groups of farmers that operate around Rapan, this area is the most heavily defended in the village.   Contract Cove   Contract Cove consists of three taverns that display all of the Mercenary jobs around the entire area of Rapan. Anyone can list a job and requires proof of completion, this area is the only aspect of Rapan that normally draws in new adventurers that do not want to join the guild. Each Tavern has its own regulars that normally are all under the same employ.   Council Residence   The council residence is where the captains of each respected clan/mercenaries reside. The old renovated manor was turned into a make shift administration building for co-ordinating patrols, keeping all paperwork regarding contacts and payments as well as having a map room of the surronding area. To most this looks like a very disorganised war room however has proven very functional in its purpose. This has few guards stationed here however elite soldiers are tasked to guard the payments and contracts as this is the most valuable to the captains.     Feuding Irons Blacksmith   The Feuding Irons are two opposing blacksmiths that have set up shop facing each other. These blacksmiths provide services to the various factions however they are constantly competing against the other to prove who the best blacksmith is. The two Dwarven women that run the blacksmiths are said to have this rivalry since a disagreement regarding a weapon that was forged by the two of them.


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