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Viggaris is the hub of trade within the Dwarven Kingdom. The city is located in the south east of the Kingdom and is surronded by three villages (Norsca, Fedwin and Rapan) which provide both food and the famous 'Bowen Oxen' that are used to haul the huge caravans around the Dwarven Kingdom. Vigaris is one of the most heavily defended city in the Dwarven Sector due to vast amount of storage of goods aswell as it bordering the The Empire Of Man . Despite Viggaris not having direct trade routes with other cities, it does provide the entire Kingdom with the influx of food and materials that have been traded with the Orcs and Humans. These routes that the traders use are traditionally Clan secrets or even secrets amoungst the merchants that have established their trade here due to the competetive nature of the Clans themselves. The trade laws are strict regarding exporting outside of the Kingdom and all trade entering the Dwarven Kingdom are checked throughly to make sure no dangerous items and contraband enters the Kingdom. Viggaris is home to a large amount of races the majority the population being Orc and Dwarf. The Orcs that reside in the city are mainly hired mercenaries that travel with the various merchants across the Kingdom with some being employed permantely depending the contracts.   Although Clan Viggaris who run the city itself the city is mainly controlled by the four merchant guilds Clan Oxentail, Clan Earthguard, Clan Onyxbrewer & Clan Ingot-Guard. These four guilds own much of the surronding villages with the exception of Clan Earth Guard that has gone more Militaristic and control vast majority of the standing army in Viggaris aswell as a huge number of well trained Caravan Guards that are hired to the other clans. Although it is known in the city that Clan Viggaris dont hold any power they are respected and are often sought out by the guilds for wisdom and to settle disputes. The Merchant guild hold the Clan of Viggaris in very high esteem due to the long history of Clan Viggaris.   Districts OxenHall   OxenHall is a large area within the city that contains hundreds of huge stables that house the Bowen Ox that is bred and reared in neighbouring villages. Oxenhall is mainly used to store the Ox as well as a huge income for the guilds as they bid on Ox for sale. The area has some residential buildings that stable masters and their aids use however the rest of the area is used as small grazing fields for the more richer owners of their Ox's. The selling of the Ox occurs every month although it is busier during the Spring when the new calfs have arrived. The Ox's value depends on a few factors size, age and scars. The first two like any animal are judge on how healthy and how well it will do in its job to haul large caravan of goods the third is due to the Bowen Oxen breeding habits. Males must combat other males as well as the female itself to breed. If the Ox is not successfully it most likely dies in the fight however if it survives the wounds it suffers leave there mark. This is a good indicator of strong genes as well as a strong ally if any beast would attack.   The housing structures here vary in quality depending on the success of the merchant or how skilled the stable master is said to be. Some a small wooden hovels whilst others are much larger structures made of fine stone and quality timber. The central part of Oxenhall is the largest grazing field and it is where the biggest auctions occur.   Locations Of Interest   Millers Pub   The front of the pub itself looks like a normal stone hovel from the outside other than the wooden sign that bears two dogs and smiling face on the sign. Walking in is a very strange layout with their being several large areas holding several variations of chairs and cushions seats. It appears that the entire front room has been converted into a pub. A door from the main room holds the kitchen and the bar however the Landlord and staff comes to each area to see what orders are to be made. Same is for the second floor. The entire area does not hold rooms for the night but does have stables to its left and right that are up for rent for rooms for the night if the Oxen are night being held.   The Riders Chair   In the heart of the Oxenhall is a single table with two chairs all made of ancient oak that has been weathered and cared for. This set of furniture is the way the denizens of the district settle disputes amongst each other by making their own mead and ale, sharing it with the opponent and seeing which one falls first. This is a ancient tradition amongst the stable masters of the district and all who do not agree are in the wrong.   Brewers Fair   As you walk into this section you would mistake it for a merchant circle. This area is most of the permanent families of the stable masters making their famous Ox Shine which is their home made alchol. This is famous for being strong even for Dwarven folk and is not taken likely. Every so often in a tavern or for a Riders Chair challenge is this famous drink brought out.   The Guildry   The Guildry district was founded by the four merchant clans this area houses and entertains the wealthy Clans as well as visitors to Viggaris. The infrastructure here is made of fine stone,marble and other more exotic building materials. Most notable are the four huge mansions that have been built by each of the four clans, these are constantly being added too above and below ground in a bid to out do their competitors. This area has trade completely banned and is home to several high class restaurants and taverns to visits. Most people of Viggaris strive to be employed somewhere in The Guildry due to its high reputations and high pay that comes with it.   Locations Of Interest     Lincs Sauna   This bathing house is run by a entripenaur human named Linc. This building is a log cabin made of fine dark oak and black windows. The building has been enchanted to not let any noise pass and for no sight to be seen through the outside to the inside regardless of material or magic used. This is the main place for people of the higher paid to bath, eat, drink and 'Relax'. The owner has some links to some underground contacts that keep this establishment from encountering many issues from customers.   The Four Pillars   This area within the Guildry is a where the four main guild houses have been constructed, these huge stone structures raise high into the air as well as descend into the ground. Each one has been constructed to house the vast amount of guild members as well as to compete with the other three in size. From the outside these carved black stone mixed with white marble have vast balconies and roof top gardens each beautifully designed. The central part of The Four Pillars is the central point of the guildry however it has many personal hired guards patrolling their patrons abode.     The Exchange   The Exchange is a large area in the centre of the city that has been converted into a huge market place established by the four clans. In the centre of the this large area holds four huge statues representing the founders of the merchant clans. Each statue is holding up a object that represents each Clan aswell as holding up a pavilion that connects to the small towers. This creates a huge tented area in the centre which each Clan sets up their wares. This is the only place where the four merchant guilds may buy & sell goods or charter caravans even buying Bowen Oxen the contract must be completed within the Exchange. This area is in constant change of stalls and goods due to the Clans constantly trading, going to negotiated with foreign powers and other business. Rumour in some circles is that this is one of the few places you may be able to buy 'banned' magical items within the Dwarven Kingdom for the right price.   Locations of Interest   Oxentail Section- Main trade with Oxentail include animals, caravan contracts/hire, food and general farming equipment   Earthguard Section- Main with Earthguard include weapons, armour, mercenary hire and trading permits within the city   Onyxbrewer Section- Main trade with the Onyxbrewer include brewing equipement, alcohol and jewllry.   Ingot-Guard Section- Main trade with the Ingot-Guard include magical weapons, smithing & forging, raw materials of any kind and detailed information on where to find rarer materials.   Greyhalls   The Grey halls is a large Dwarven Castle where the founding clan of Viggaris reside. This castle is used to celebrate major holidays as well as hold council for the merchant guilds in the city in time of political crisis. This huge castle of old grey stone appears weathered compared to other structures however this was the first building constructed in Viggaris. The Grey Halls ground extend into beautiful gardens around the castle and is kept by the Clan itself. The area is fenced off however does have a small building within the grounds which is used for the guild to teleport to and from Viggaris. This building is in between two large gates that give entry into The Grey Halls.     Tinker Town   Tinker Town is a huge residential area within the city however is home to various engineers, carpenters and Tinkers that experiment and create siege weaponry, weapons and anything they can think of. This area contains various races but more notable is a sizeable gnomish and halfing community within Tinker Town. The area is a ramshackle of different buildings and is extremely hard to traverse this area of town unless you know where you are going. The area is bustling with activity with trade, entertainers, drinking and sometimes the odd mishap with a project gone wrong.   Locations Of Interest     Scrapers Gold   Scrapers Gold is a section of Tinker town where many outdoor makeshift experimental areas where many Tinkers attempt their new designs. Originally the name of this section was called Progress Parade however after many failed experimental designs and the clean up crews earning a lot of gold it was quickly renamed by the locals as Scrapers Gold. This is the part of town where you can get anything built however entering the area comes with its own hazards as many of Tinkers here have completely abandoned the term safety.   Carnival Row   This area of town is the busiest in the town, the high rise buildings that have several houses built in all have market stools and other services for sale. The entire area is swarmed with people and is one of the places that the guard despise being on duty at due to the impossible task of trying to keep a eye on people. This area is run by smaller factions keeping the area safe from other criminal organisations for a price. These factions are mostly made up of Dwarven folks that have been removed from their Clan.   Runic   Runic is a restricted area to the general public. Runic is a closed off area where Dwarven Mages and researchers conduct tests into magical items that come into the city as well as research more into magic and how to control it. Runic is protected by a gate and guard however the entire area is magically warded stopping intruders from entering. Gaining entry to Runic can only be achieved by two methods, Clan Viggaris giving you the seal of the approval or having permission by two of the four merchant clans. There are several stone structures used for housing however are several larger structures where the work of the mages is conducted.
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