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Rokthorl Mining Society

The Rokthorl Miners Society is a faction representing the interests of the city's miners, advocating for their rights, safety, and fair treatment in the dangerous profession of mining. Comprised of miners from various races, including Dragonborn and Kobolds, the society serves as a collective voice for the laborers to negotiate with mine overseers and city officials.



Name: Thalor Ironclaw
Role: As the President, Thalor Ironclaw is the head of the Rokthorl Miners Society. He oversees all operations and strategic decisions, represents the society in negotiations with city officials and mine owners, and ensures that the society's goals and objectives are met.
  • Leading meetings and setting agendas
  • Representing the society in public and private forum
  • Making executive decisions for the society
  • Overseeing the overall direction and strategy

  • Vice President

    Name: Mira Goldscale
    Role: The Vice President assists the President in all duties and takes on the President's responsibilities in their absence. Mira focuses on negotiations and advocacy, ensuring that the miners' voices are heard in the city's political sphere.
  • Assisting the President in leadership duties
  • Leading negotiations with mine owners and city officials
  • Managing external relations and public affairs
  • Coordinating special projects and initiatives

  • Head of Safety

    Name: Garak Stonehide
    Role: Garak Stonehide is responsible for all safety protocols within the mines. He ensures that safety standards are maintained and that miners are properly trained and equipped to handle their work safely.
  • Developing and enforcing safety regulations
  • Conducting safety training and drills
  • Investigating accidents and incidents
  • Implementing new safety technologies and practices

  • Community Liaison

    Name: Kira Flamebreath
    Role: Kira Flamebreath focuses on the welfare and support of the miners' families. She organizes community events, provides assistance programs, and ensures that the social needs of the miners and their families are met.
  • Organizing community support services and events[
  • Providing financial and social aid to families
  • Facilitating communication between the society and the community
  • Addressing any social or welfare issues that arise

  • Treasurer

    Name: Belgar Silvervein
    Role: The Treasurer manages the society's finances, ensuring that funds are allocated properly and that the society remains financially stable. Belgar oversees all financial transactions, budgeting, and funding initiatives.
  • Managing the society's budget and financial planning
  • Keeping accurate financial records
  • Overseeing fundraising efforts
  • Ensuring financial transparency and accountability

  • Secretary

    Name: Kira Stonescale
    Role: The Secretary is responsible for maintaining records, organizing meetings, and ensuring effective communication within the society. Kira handles all administrative tasks and documentation.
  • Keeping detailed minutes of meetings
  • Managing correspondence and communication
  • Organizing schedules and agendas
  • Maintaining the society's records and archives

  • Advisory Council

    In addition to the core leadership, the Rokthorl Miners Society has an advisory council composed of experienced miners and community leaders who provide guidance and expertise on various issues. This council meets regularly to discuss strategies, address concerns, and propose new initiatives.
    Council Members:
  • Tarak Ironclaw: An elder miner with extensive experience and knowledge of the mines.
  • Rina Goldscale: A respected community leader and advocate for miners' families.
  • Dravin Steelbreath: A former mine foreman with expertise in mining operations and logistics
  • Valkar Redscale: A younger, progressive voice in the council, representing the interests of newer members and apprentices.

  • This structured leadership ensures that the Rokthorl Miners Society operates smoothly, addresses the needs of its members effectively, and maintains its influence within the city of Rokthorl.


    Wants and Needs

      1. Safety: The primary concern of the Rokthorl Miners Society is the safety of its members. They strive to improve working conditions, enforce safety regulations, and provide training and equipment to prevent accidents and injuries in the treacherous mines. 2. Fair Wages: The society advocates for fair wages and benefits for miners, ensuring that their labour is justly compensated and that they can support themselves and their families. 3. Voice in Decision-Making: Miners seek representation and a say in the policies and practices that affect their livelihoods. The society pushes for greater involvement in mine management and city governance to protect their interests.  

    Goals and Objectives

      1. Negotiation: The society negotiates with mine overseers, city officials, and other factions to secure better working conditions, wages, and benefits for miners. 2. Education and Training: They provide education and training programs to equip miners with the skills and knowledge needed to work safely and effectively in the mines. 3. Solidarity: The society fosters solidarity among miners, promoting unity and cooperation to address common challenges and achieve collective goals.
    Official Languages
    Notable Members
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