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The Heliwr Tribe


A nomadic tribe with a long history on Eternium.   The Heliwr people arrived on the continent at the time of the Great Shipwreck. It is unknown why they didn't settle with their fellow Elves, but perhaps they were already nomadic before they set foot on Eternium.   They travel the plains trading with the empires during the day then, in the evenings, they take shelter and settle down. This could be in either a forest, or a simply against a cliff wall leaving the tribes people to arrange their caravan in a protective circle.   The Heliwr tribe care very little about material wealth. Nature, Knowledge and Skills are far more important. They will often offer up their time and skills or training and knowledge for the goods they need.   Food isn't the highest of priorities as there are always a group of skilled hunters amongst the tribe's number. Materials to maintain and improve the caravan, and medicinal supplies for the horses and young are of the highest demand. There are a number of trained healers within the tribe, but finding the right herbs and components can sometimes be tricky.


Horses, Carts, Skills and Knowledge.


They arrived during the Great Shipwreck, and have travelled the plains ever since.


Massacred in The Forest Of Mist. Tywysog Heliwr is thought to be the only surviving member of the Tribe.   The reason for the massacre - and whom carried it out - is currently unknown!


The exact path that the Heliwr Tribe travelled is unknown, but it is believed it changed from year to year. The caravan was known to travel through every Empire on Eternium trading their goods and services, but seemed to spend most it's time around the borders between the The Empire of the Runekeepers and The Empire Of Man.


The tribe was composed of many different types of Warriors, but their hunters were revered for their prowess with a bow.   It has never been proven, but it is believed that the Heliwr "Bow-Hunters" were available for hire as mercenaries. There are plenty of stories about a platoon of archers having fought in previous wars with an accuracy not previously seen. Many believe this platoon to be the Heliwr "Bow-Hunters".

Agriculture & Industry

Due to their Nomadic nature, the tribe never put down any roots and as such, didn't create any farms. The majority of the food is either gain from trade, gathered when the caravan is resting, or from hunters scouting ahead.   Breeding horses and Chickens was also standard practice for the tribe. Chicken for food and feathers, Horses for transportation and, in desperate times, food.

Trade & Transport

Despite the size of the Heliwr caravan, it rarely travelled the road most trodden.
(Some believe they were forged by the Heliwr tribe in the first place.)   The horses would be seen diverging from the established path and pulling the carts and carriages is new directions - often across uneven ground, too.

A name written in Legend.

Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Major Exports
Goods Traded:
  • Feathers
  • Extra Horses
  • Clothing
  • Excess meats / leathers
  • Herbs & Spices
Services Trades:
  • Healing
  • Weapons Training
  • Cart-Building
  • Carpentry & Repairs
  • Animal Processing training (Butchery / tanning / leathercraft)
Major Imports
Goods Traded
  • Textiles (Cloth / Wool)
  • Medical Supplies
  • New/Updated Weapons & Tools
Services Traded:  
  • Specialist Blacksmithing
Official Languages
Notable Members